Park Jimin

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Maid: Mr Park have you seen the news this morning?{she shook her head and tried to make Jimin go to sleep}

Jimin didn't answer he was too busy trying to pour himself another glass of Red wine. Pinot Noir one of the best. Jimin was always drunk,he was never sober.He had been like this all his life.

Maid:Mr Park.{she said in a stern voice},my job is to accommodate and serve you and your respectable family,please make this easier for me and for yourself,you should go to sleep its late its 3am in the morning.

Jimin was still focused on his wine,he was playing with his wine glass and drinking the wine slowly as if he was trying to contain his anger,he still gave her a cold shoulder.

Maid:Mr Park,Im sorry if Im disturbing you bu-(shatter shatter)

Jimin violently threw the glass onto the marble floor,some of the glass remains were still in his palms,his anger was controlling him,he clenched his fists,the small frackles of glass ripped his soft skin,which caused his palms to bleed,his palms were now swimming in fresh red blood.He had a satanic smile on his lips,as if he was out of his mind.As if he was crazy.Jimin slowly strolled towards her,the maid was honestly so scared inside her organs were about to burst,She hated it when Jimin got angry,he was so scary when he was angry.The maid was panicking she was gonna die,hes gone back to his normal state,she turned her heads towards the kitchen tabletop and there were his syringes,these were the meds he took,because of such situations.She briskly took the syringe into her hands and hid it behind her back,Jimin didnt pay any attention and kept moving forward,he finally trapped her with his arms and by now the Maid was shaking in her shoes.Hes crazy{she thought}Jimin got down to her level and whispered in her ear.

Jimin: You want me to go to sleep right?(he smirked as if he owned me or something)

Maid: Yes I do its past 3:00{she answered back,trying to make him focus on her whilst lifting her left arm to inject him with the haloperidol.)

Jimin:(he then laughed,andpulled the maid with him to his bedroom)

The maid kindly followed and she was going to inject him once it was the right time,when he wasnt looking.Jimin tripped and fell onto the bed face down,the Maid quickly took this opportunity to lock the door,once she turned around she saw Jimin sitting on the side of the bed.He motioned her to sit on his lap,she sat on his lap and felt that what she was doing was really wrong,Jimin started to kiss her neck,she tried to keep her moans in but they escaped her mouth she quickly wanted this to get over with,she pulled Jimin down onto the bed and seductively brushed her hands over his covered abs,The maid wasnt needy or anything,infact she hated Jimin he would always scare her and always shout at her for everything.Jimin was so drunk to the point where he closed his eyes for a few seconds and that was when the Maid pulled the syringe out and injected it into Jimin,whilst passionately kissing him,this confused Jimin,she toook the syringe out and he pushed her off of him.

Jimin: wHAT WAs that?{he was defiantely not okay}

Maid:It was nothing{she said timidly}

Althugh Jimin was drunk he still was aware of suroundings,he then glanced at the Maids hand and he saw what she had done.

Jimin:{his laugh was blood curling}You thoughhtt I wasntt gonna know?

The Maid was now red from embarrassment.Jimin was now filled with rage,he looked towards his night stand and reached out for his lava lamp,he then attacked the maid,he pulled her hair and she screamed as he was causing her to much pain,he had the lava lamp in his right arm and aligned it to her head and struck her in her eyes,with so much so much power that her left eye ball rolled out,the sight was revolting,her eye ball was crushed and the maid then lost consciousness she didnt even have the energy to scream.She just laid there dead,Jimin was still drunk yet he covered his mouth with his hand.What had he done?He threw her off the bed onto the floor.

Jimin:Fuck.Whats wrong with me?{he again started to laugh hyterically,his laughter died out,and his eyes slowly shut}

Jimin had passed out,as the maid injected him with the syringe,the syringe made sure he was out for about an hour}

Jimin again reopened his eyes and gained consciousness,his throat was burning,he shouldnt have drunk too much,his head was pounding.He then looked around the room to see the maid on the floorboard,he was shocked.Wtf happened?{he thought}

Jimin:Hey..{he bent down to her level and gently shook her arm}Are you alright?

The maid didnt move an inch.Her face was facing away from Jimin,Jimin faced her towards him and he yelled,wtf happened to her she had no eye.Who did this to her{he thought}He was in disbeilef,the maid was pale,shades of green and purple were forming on her exposed legs and arms,she then twitched,Jimin got up and was bowled over,He thought she was dead,Why on Earth is she still moving?She then stood up started groaning and making werid noises.

Jimin:Get away from me,Ill call the Police on you{he screamed}

But the maid didnt answer she kept making a low guttural moan,she came closer and closer,and reached out for Jimins arms,but he dodged her and suddenly grasped the Lava lamp which was on his bed and he warned her.

Jimin:Get away from me or Ill kill you!{he was holding the lava lamp infront of him,for protection}

The Maid was still limping towards him with hissing sounds,her eyes had no colour,her pupils were greyer than a grey whale.Every step she took Jimin took a step back until he was stranded near the window,she was coming closer he had to,he had to kill her.She wasnt human she was something else.He did what he had to do,he bashed her head in,he brains flew out of place and splattered on the walls and the cupboards.The maid fell onto the floor with a werid experession on her face Jimin didnt look at her face and left,what on Earth was happeing?He jumped out and ran away into the woods,he didnt look back.He tripped but kept running the sun was setting his home wasnt safe anymore,the blood was dripping down his palms,he was injured.Where would he go???He kept running until he was met with...

Jimin:Seodaemun Prison

To be continued....

Sorry ik that was short.Thank you for reading,can you guess what member Im gonna introduce next?

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