Jung Ho-seok

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Eun-jung: I saw you with her!Dont fucking lie to me!

Jhope: Come on stop being jealous{he said with a smirk and started to slowly massage her arms}

Eun-jung: Your unbelievable ,so having sex with my best friend is nothing to you?Do I not mean anything to you?{she was on the verge of tears,and her voice was cracking}

Jhope: It wasnt even that serious,Eun-jung{he said in front of the whole canteen}

Eun-jung:You know what were done.

Jhope laughed with his friends.

Jhope:shell come back,youll see{he said smirking}

----------------------------------------------TIMESKIP WEEK later ----------------------------------------------

Jay:Yo Hobi!{he shouted across the classroom}

Jhope:Whats up?{he nodded}

Jay:Eun-ji shes on top of Block B,shes gonna jump off because of you

Jhope:No way

Mia:lets go watch

Classmates:lets gooo

Jay:finally some fun and drama

Everyone excitedly ran outside to Block B,all girls and boys were commenting if it was some sort of new sport.

Eun-ji pov: Hoseok was my life,i cant live without him,I have to die, though its been a week i cant take it anymore,I cant face the humiliation alone.I thought he was the one but he was just toying with me,I just want to give up on life,whats the point of living?I trusted him with everything,I just cant take it anymore,I need to rest.I know Im being really selfish but I have to this is the only way.

Eun-ji witneesed the whole school below her,some were cheering her on some were asking her to come down,and some stood there confused.She took a deep breath before standing up getting ready to jump.

Jhope pov:I never thought Eun ji was going to do this,I cared for her but didnt say anything and just watched her standing above me ready to jump.The fact that no one stood up and stopped her was disgusting to see,but Im not doing anything either.I felt so disgusted with my self.

Eun Ji jerked her left foot out,she lost balance and closed her eyes,she wanted this to be over as soon as possible.The sounds of her desperate screams, screeching with regret as she fell to her self-inflicted death were so visceral.

Eun-Ji: If you don't know the feeling of jumping off a building, it feels like the midsection of your gut is becoming numb and is trying to escape out of the top of your ribcage.{talking to herself}


Jung Hoseok pov:

It was a pleasant cool spring night. I was enjoying a peaceful snack on my quaint patio. I lived in a wealthy apartment which I obviously owned.I dined on crisps and biscuits {lol} as the soundscape of our neighborhood echoed through the courtyard. The humming roar of airplanes overhead, the whirring sound of noisy cars driving by, the hissing brakes and mumbling announcements at the bus stop, sparrows chirping in the trees, clinking dog leashes, and the distant sound of many sirens from several emergency vehicles. These familiar and perpetual sounds, the sound of silence in a big city, would soon wane to the worst sounds I ever heard.

I had just finished my snacks. For the first time, I opened all of the windows of my apartment to allow the gentle breeze to pass through.I walked to the kitchen to put the dishes in the sink. As I walked back into the living room it happened. Seconds later a woman let out a blood-curdling scream followed by a shorter scream that was interrupted by a loud smacking thud. The sound echoed so loudly it ruptured my soul. The sound shattered the rare tranquility of the day. Somehow, I asked myself, "Did someone get hit by a car?" I take a moment to measure my response.

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