Kim Seokjin

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Authors Note:So Im going to be doing each of Bts's stories,so the first chapter is all about Jin.In the end Bts all meet at The "Seodaemun Prison". So this is all in the past,once they all meet Im going into the Present.

A few days ago:

Kim Seokjins pov:

I was afraid of planes,just sitting in a closed space with just windows which don't even open,its ridiculous, the thought of being in the air was terrifying so much so that I was completely shivering in my seat,this wasn't going to be great.My throat was burning,my muscles were cramping they felt like they were folding on top of each other,I knew what this was.

"Hey,could i have a glass of water?" I asked the flight attendant who was walking around,smiling at everyone,I pitied her its not she wants to smile but shes forced to,such a shitty job.

She walks off,The aeroplane was practically empty,Im being sent back to Korea,I've been in the army for around 4 years,I miss my parents and I know they miss me too,I just cant wait to see them and were almost there it says around 20 minutes left,Im still single and my parents have been urging me to get married as quick as possible.But I just want to enjoy life after this,the army was pretty damn hard,I think i deserve time for myself {by myself}I didn't feel like starting a relationship,its too much of a hassle.

"Sir, the water you had asked for..."She timidly said with the water in her left hand.

"Thanks"I said with my deep voice revealing my dimple on my left,as she gave me the water.

She once again left,I gulped down the water,I felt a lot better,I decided to take a nap since I had nothing else to do.My eyes slowly closed shut.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ALARM GOES OFF~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I wake up to people men and women all screaming,people buckling themselves to their seats,Some were trying to break the windows and jump out,what on Earth was happening?I spun my head around to see a small little on her knees ripping out another woman's guts,she took a handful of bloody,raw guts to her mouth and hungrily grinded them in her mouth,the blood was squirting out of her petite mouth,she was eating like a pig,her pale face was smeared with different shades of blood.The sight was gruesome,What was she?What happened?

"Easy Victor" was heard on the intercom.Everyone's heads turned towards the intercom.

"I repeat EASY VIC- AHHHHHh"A loud a long, piercing scream was heard,things were happening too fast,I took a few deep breaths and closed my eyes for a few seconds,I couldn't believe what I had just witnessed.I kept repeating the words that had just been announced on the intercom in my head "easy victor",Till I recalled that these words meant that the plane was going to crash,Thank god I read the Army Journal 101.

(THE phrase "Easy Victor" is one that you never want to hear your pilot say on a flight - because it means the plane is going to crash. It's often used by pilots to warn crew to evacuate the plane without alarming passengers)

This was it.I knew I was gonna die,I knew this was going to be the end.I rotated my head around to see where the small little girl from before was at,to my surprise she was still on her knees in the same place,I could see another girl the same height as the one who was eating peoples guts out.They looked like sisters?No..twins..But this one was crying and trembling,she kept one eye closed whilst staring at her twin sister,no one dared to save her or come near her,she looked some what European{not that it matters,Its for the sake of the story,to show that Jin and the little girl aren't related}.By now the plane was shaking,and was accelerating downwards in a very fast manner,A Bang was heard from the belly of the Plane ,This gave me some sort of encouragement to carry on and keep pushing,I rushed towards the small little girl,with her long brown hair all messy.Somehow I managed to run over to her,I immediately clutched onto her arms,she gasped to see me,beads of sweat started to form on my forehead,the nausea I felt before was slowly surprisingly disappearing.

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