A Constant State of Being

Start from the beginning

"You were held captive for years by dangerous people who hurt you. Those emotions, those fears, they just don't go away because you're free. A part of that life is still holding on to you, still making you remember and-" Katie was halfway to the door. "You came here for a reason!" she stopped but didn't turn to him. "You want help, someone to help you figure this out and I believe you want that to happen before your baby is born."

"You're right, I do want that to happen, but I really doubt you're the one who can help me right now." and with that, Katie hurried out.

She wanted to go home and hide under her blankets, but she decided to distract herself with work. And so she ended up at RI, attending a few meetings while she was there.

"That's a stupid-ass idea!"

Katie was snapped out of her thoughts by the outburst from the man on the other side of the boardroom table. They were currently having a meeting with her marketing team, and she was ashamed to say that she'd stopped paying attention after a while.

"You know what Allen, screw you!"

"Alright, people-" Katie stood to her feet collecting her note and cell phone. "I'm going to leave before the brawl erupts." she looks over to Allen whose shaking his head. "Allen, I welcome all opinion, but only constructive criticism in this boardroom." She looked over to the young man who'd just given his presentation. "And Mr. Hall, just...go back to the drawing board and then call another meeting once it's fine-tuned." she turned about to leave, but stopped and turned back to the man. "It's a good idea, Mr. Hall, just figure out how to make it work in a way that makes sense, ok?"

"Yes, ma'am-" Katie quirked an eye at the man. "I mean yes, Katie." she gave the man a smile before finally turning and leaving the boardroom. As soon as she stepped out the door, Claire appeared at her side, holding a cup handing it to her.

"Your iced tea."

"Oh, thank you." Katie said taking the cup and looking over to the woman. "Did I ask you to get this? I don't remember-"

"You said that you wanted one, and so I got it. It's kind of my job."

"Well, you didn't have to. You're smarter than someone who gets beverages." Katie replied as they continued to her office. "Any messages?"

"Uh yes-" Claire took out her tablet. "We just got confirmation with Ms. Smoak about the New Beginnings meeting. The meeting is all set. Ms. Sandburg called, just to verify Arianna's arrival around Christmas break, and I confirmed with her as well and said that you would call if there needed to be any changes. And last but not least, Mr. Queen called said something about a meeting with his political strategist. I may have mentioned that you didn't tell me about it, so I didn't schedule it."

"Ugh, I didn't want you to schedule it." Katie muttered walking into her office. "I-" Katie stopped at the feeling of a sharp sensation along her stomach. "Oh-" she cradled her stomach, and Claire rushed over.

"Alright, is it time?" Claire asked and Katie shook her head and looked over to the woman.

"No, it's fine. I just think I shouldn't have had that big breakfast. What time is my next meeting?"

"Half hour, are you sure you're alright? I can reschedule. I mean everyone knows you're about to pop and have been expecting a maternity leave for some time now."

"Really, I'm good, I just need to sit for a second. Where's the meeting?"

"Off-site, I got a car and the driver already knows where you're going."

"Why do I have a car and a driver?" Katie asked turning to the woman. "I can drive."

"You can, but you're also nine months pregnant, and in the event, you go into labor, it was decided that a driver would be necessary to get you around to all your meetings and to get you home." Katie turned to the woman, folding her arms over her chest.

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