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"I remember when I was born.

I was born right after the crying bloody brown head girl, that's probably the reason why I can't do anything without her. So when my mum suggested starting school early, my twin immediately agreed with it and I didn't want to be the cookie from hell who wouldn't agree.

So I played along.

It was a terrible idea.

Bexley has always been the best at everything we do, she won the spelling bee for our state while I watched her from the crowd being her biggest fan, she was the one to break a record at our school, Horizon High, she's that smart.

She is also the most supportive person to me, when I decided to get a tattoo she was mad at me but still kept my secret. I got the tattoo when I was a sophomore but now three years after it remains the same, the same black paint of flying birds remains on my shoulder blades.

Bexley and I are totally different people, we have different ambitions, we have different Ideal types, and we have different perspectives about things. But out of all the Harrington siblings, it's obvious that we're the closet.

Normally when people see me and Bexley they immediately think I'm the bad child....well they aren't wrong. In Horizon High I'm seen as the goddess of the school because one I'm pretty, two I'm pretty and three I'm pretty.

That's how the world is now, just because I'm pretty they all want to be my friend or get close to me just for clout. That's why I sometimes envy my sister she has real friends. Bexley has shoulder-length brown hair which she's trying to grow now that she's going to college, she's small I'll say probably 162cm and for crying out loud she's freaking smart.

It's like the smartness that was meant for her and me to share all got dumped in her head, so because of that she's respected and seen as a role model for the younger students.

And she has the best boyfriend you could ever wish for, well except for one little detail which makes him dangerous but that's for later. Everyone thought I would be the first one to have a boyfriend. But now my mum is asking me if I'm different from normal girls knowing my mum, in lame man language that means 'Bitch are you a fucking lesbian!?'

The reason why I'm not letting any boy in my life is because I've seen. I've seen many girls get dumped after a week and live miserably because their ex got a new girl, I don't want to get my heart broken by some heartless guy that's not worth it.

Seems ironic hearing this from me considering Noah but hey we broke up!

With all the smartness Bexley has and with all the dumbness I have, it's not a surprise that she passed the SAT easily when she wrote it early while I failed terribly, and now no college wants me.

While Bexley gets to go to Harvard, I have nothing. I guess when we try again this year, senior year. I'll get in, I have to get in. I have to maintain the perfect image and not screw this up.

Yeah right.

"Don't worry darling, you'll take summer classes and I'll get you into the best college it doesn't have to be Harvard," My dad reassured me. He already made up his mind that I wouldn't be able to ever get into Harvard.

But the thing is, it totally has to be Harvard, my two older siblings got into Harvard, my mum and dad graduated from Harvard, and now my twin. I just want to know why, why am I the dumb one?"

"You aren't dumb, come on," My best friend reassures me once I finish my speech.

Bexley turns back from her driver's seat to look at me. "Is that how you've always felt?" She asks guilt laced in her voice, her pitch-black eyes scanning mine with a mix of emotions.

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