Chapter 19

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I got my first fan art! If I upload this on Wattpad, I'm so using this as a cover, with the artist's permission of course!

I'm so sorry for not updating sooner; I was in a bit of a funk.
Chapter Text
"Hermione!" Ron and Harry rushed up to a frazzled looking Hermione. She had just burst into the Gryffindor common room.

"What's wrong?" Ron asked.

Hermione was panting. Her face was drained of colour, her eyes blown wide. Adrenaline was running through her veins and her heart was hammering in her chest. She had barely heard Ron's question. "It-It was Draco. Something's wrong with him--the book."

Her eyes narrowed. It was the book. The book that she had found in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom.

"Remember that day we found Draco in the bathroom? When he was flushing something down the toilet?" Hermione looked Ron in the eye.

"Yes...?" Ron's eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"There's something wrong with that book," Hermione swallowed.

Ron and Harry looked at her, urging her to continue.

"It's...changed Draco somehow, he's different; like someone else is controlling him." Hermione narrowed her eyes when Ron scoffed.

"Hermione, that's a load of bollocks. How could a book possess someone?" Ron laughed despite the withering glare Hermione was giving him.

"I don't know! If you were there then you would see! It's not our Draco--" Hermione stopped short when something occurred to her: they had left Draco in his time of need. Yes, he had called her that word, but he was her friend; she should have given him a chance to explain himself.

Hermione took a shallow breath. "Oh god, we left him when he needed us," she whispered.

He had been there for her when she hadn't been able to make a single friend, he had been there for her when she was crying all alone in the library. He had been there for her! And what did she do in return? Leave him when he needed her most.

"You're serious." Ron's eyes were wide.

"That's why he looks so awful! He fainted and then that... thing took him over. Merlin, what type of friends are we?" Her vision blurred and she sat down on the couch in front of the fireplace.

Ron sat down on her left, while Harry took her right. Harry put a hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry, Hermione, we'll figure something out."

Ron nodded, "Yeah, I mean, we might not have Draco, but you're bloody brilliant. You'll figure something out, and we'll help you. Maybe I was wrong about Malfoy..." Ron trailed off, looking guilty but thoughtful.

Hermione sniffed and wiped her nose with her sleeve. "Yeah. Okay, step one, we have to talk to Draco--"

"Justin's been petrified!" Dean burst into the common room looking pale.

"What--" Hermione was cut off yet again as the Gryffindors ran down from their dorms.

"Justin's been petrified?" Lavender asked, looking pale.

"They just found him," Dean nodded.

Hermione exchanged a look with Ron and Harry and they left the common room, going to meet Dumbledore. This was getting out of hand; if they couldn't talk to Draco, then they would have Dumbledore do it. Maybe Dumbledore already knew, he did seem to know everything...

"Where are you going?" Dean asked in suspicion right as they were about to leave.

"Library," Hermione answered and glared at Dean, challenging him to say otherwise. Dean gulped and nodded. It was nice to know that at least somebody was scared of her wrath.

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