Chapter 13

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Draco desperately tried to get out of this death machine the Weasley family called a car, Weasley had broken his wand when they landed in the whomping willow, a final touch to Draco's misery.

He regretted becoming friends with this death trio.

The car shot them out as well as their things, and Draco wanted nothing more than to just fall asleep on the grass, the tree had hit in the back of his already pounding head and he knew that he most definitely had a concussion.

He wobbled to his feet and staggered to his trunk, picking it up as Harry and Ron chased after the car, apparently it was going into the dark forest.

"Dad's going to kill me."

"Not if I do it first." His words came out slurred, but they were there, Harry and Ron looked at him in concern.

"Are you okay?" Harry asked, and Draco lazily tried to hit him in the head once again but missed as he had aimed for the wrong Harry, oh great, he was seeing double.

"Hogwarts, now." He wanted to limit his speech and get into the castle as fast as possible. Harry helped him walk as he was still stumbling, and he was grateful, his legs felt like they were putty.

They entered the castle, it was weird seeing it so empty. They were so close to the great hall when they were stopped by the squib, "Oh dear, we are in trouble."



"You were seen by no less than seven Muggles!" Professor Snape lectured them while Draco was still leaning against Harry for support.

"Do you have any idea how serious this is?" He put down the newspaper and glared at Draco in particular, Draco looked back at him, or at least, the one that he thought was him,

"Mr Malfoy, my eyes are here." Okay, so wrong Snape.

Draco looked at the other Snape.

"I cannot believe you, I would have thought you to be the responsible one. The damage that you inflicted on a whooping willow that has been on these grounds since before you were born!"

Draco stumbled as he pushed off of Harry and spoke, "I think the death tree did more" Draco couldn't finish his sentence as his eyes rolled to the back of his head and the world went black.


"Mr Malf- Draco!" Snape yelled as Draco fell to the ground, Harry was at the floor in an instant, picking him up.

"What have you done to my godson!" Snape yelled at them and Harry's train of thought did an abrupt one-eighty.

"Draco's your godson, Professor?" Harry tilted his head as he lifted Draco up, he was surprisingly light.

"That is none of your business, Mr Potter, now, what have you done to him!" Snape was red in the face and Harry and Ron baulked at how bare the emotion was on his face, Snape wasn't just angry, he was furious.

Harry gulped but stood his ground, "When we landed in the tree I think it hit him in the back of the head, it did break the glass." Harry looked at Ron,

"And he hit his head when we were spinning around in the car when you fell out, remember?" Ron added, and Snape lost some colour in his already pale face.

"Wait here." He went to the back of his classroom, where he kept his supplies.

Dumbledore and McGonagall chose that moment to burst in, "Severus I know you're upset, but-" Dumbledore stopped in the middle of his speech as he noticed the lack of Professor and the unconscious male in Harry's arm.

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