Chapter 4

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This was getting ridiculous, he had recieved multiple owls from multiple teachers requesting for him to be in private tutoring with all of them, the only one that wasn't harrasing him was Quirell, and thank the heavens for that, he didn't' know what he would do if bloody Quirell came up to him and wanted to teach him privately.

He didn't even want to think about what would happen if he said no.

And just like he had predicted, a few of the upper Ravenclaws had started giving him dirty looks, that was the thing, they were all obsorbed in soaking up as much knowledge as they possibly could, they didn't focus on much else.

Such a sad sight, he hoped the new batch of Ravenclaws would be better than these ones.

Looking around, he could tell that they already were.

Hermione hadn't reacted well to the overflow of letters he had been receiving, she had tried to be happy for him, but her jealousy had shown threw for just a moment, but he knew that she would get over it, that was just Hermione.

Now, an update on the Potter and Weasley situation, they had been talking quite a lot more nowadays, it seemed as if Weasley was starting to warm up to him, and he did appreciate that.

Potter however, was starting to confuse him, he was looking at him differently, and he was acting all shy, Draco was confused by his behavior, and he didn't like being confused, he would have to add 'find out what's wrong with Potter' to his to-do-list.

Speaking of Potter, one of the younger Ravenclaws had let him into the common room when they found him puzzling over the answer to one of the Eagle's riddles.

"Hey, Malfoy, I had a question?" Draco turned to Potter.

"What?" He asked.

"Can I call you Draco?"

Draco stopped what he was doing, why would Potter want to call him by his first name? They weren't nearly that casual yet, it was a stretch to say that they were friends, but he supposed that he didn't see anything negative coming from that.

"Sure?" He tilted his head and raised an eyebrow.

Potter beamed, "Awesome, thanks, Draco." He tested the name for a bit and then decided that he liked it.

"You have to call me Harry now." Potter decided.

Draco's eyes widened, calling Potter by his first name? Calling Granger anything but Granger was a struggle for him, but Potter? He looked back at him and saw him giving Draco one of his looks, he looked like he would cry if Draco refused, and Draco wasn't a monster.

"Sure, Harry." He hesitated, the name felt weird, how could a name feel weird?

Potter beamed even more, Draco had to admit that it was nice to see when he was still innocent, even if Draco knew that he was going to lose it eventually.

"Oh yeah, I came up here because Hermione wanted to invite you to Nearly headless Nick's birthday, we all don't wanna go alone." Pott- Harry smiled sheepishly.

Sir Nicholas' birthday was today? Today was the Halloween feast as well, it would be better to be there for when Quirell would burst in, but what was the point right now? Hermione was safe, as long as Weasley hadn't said anything stupid, Draco had saw him and Hermione together but hadn't thought much of it.

"Of course I'll go." Draco smiled, which Harry returned.

"Alright, we're already kinda late, we need to go now." Harry hopped off of the armchair he was sitting in.

Draco put away his notes and got off of the couch, following Harry, he didn't know where the ghost's party was.


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