Chapter 3

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Hermione sat down hugging her book.

"I got detention." She kept on mumbling over and over.

Draco looked at her, a hand on his face, desperately trying to keep himself from bursting into a fit of laughter.

"Hermione, it's okay."

"No, it isn't! My life is ruined!"

"Hermione you haven't been expelled-"

"Don't say that word!" She threw the book at his face, thankfully, it wasn't a big one.

"Oh my- just don't worry about it okay, McGonagall will just make you write some lines on a board."

"Hmph." She crossed her arms, she was still mad about it.

For some reason she blamed Draco for her detention, as if it was his fault that she decided to be a good friend, but forget about that, he had to tell her that Weasley and Potter were actually planning to try and make up with him, she would either be happy for him or start telling him about how much of a trash human being Weasley was.

"Hermione, I have something to tell you."


"Potter and Weasley are planning on making up with me, I overheard them."

"What! And you're just going to forgive Weasley? After everything he's said to you? I mean, I get Harry, he's a great person, but Weasley?" She scowled.

"Yes Hermione, you have to forgive, and I'm going to forgive Weasley, besides, I did say some bad things about his family."

"But you apologized, and he didn't accept it, that's his fault."

"He just needed time, he's heard only bad things about me for his whole life, it's can't be easy to learn that I'm not like he's heard."

"You're too nice for your own good sometimes, Draco." He almost laughed at that, no one thought him kind, let alone too kind.

"Sure." He mumbled.

"You are, you forgive everyone so quickly, I don't get it."

"There's no point in childish feuds when you have the chance to fix it, why be petty just for the sake of being petty."

"I hate it when you make sense."

"Welcome to my world."

She slapped him on the arm, but at least she wasn't freaking out about the detention anymore, best not to mention that word in front of her anymore though.


"Hey, Malfoy." Potter stopped him while he was heading to Charms.

"Uh, can we walk with you?" Potter mumbled.

"Yeah." Draco raised an eyebrow while nodding his head.

Weasley looked timid, not a good look on him. Weasley wasn't looking at him.

They started walking down the hallway, getting a few looks along the way, but Draco was used to it, Potter must have been as well, but he looked rather shy, he must not like the attention, as for Weasley, he didn't even seem to notice it.

"So, Malfoy, I wanted to ask you something," Weasley spoke up.

"Go ahead."

"Why did you apologize for what you said? I mean, you just changed, like that." Weasley snapped his fingers.

"I was around people who would report me to my father if I didn't say anything towards you, a Malfoy child is expected to act like a brat. I didn't want to compromise anything in case I did get into Slytherin."

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