Chapter 11

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They neared the house and Draco's jaw dropped open at the sight of Harry's window covered in bars.

"You get him." Ron opened the door as they came to a stop right outside of Harry's window.

"Ron?" A voice called out from the window.

"Hiya Harry!" Ron chirped, and Draco nearly fainted in relief at seeing Harry in one piece, if the Muggles were outlandish enough to put bars on his window, Merlin knows what they could have done to Harry himself.

"Harry James Potter, you get your things and get in this thing right now." Draco hissed, poking his head out of the door.

"Draco!" Harry's face beamed at seeing him, and Draco's anger momentarily disappeared at seeing his face, but he shook his head, no, he had the right to be angry at him.

Harry started packing up his things and Ron put a hook on the bars,

"Better stand back," Ron warned, and Harry backed up to the corner of his room.

"Let's go!" Ron ordered the twins, and they started to move backwards, the bars came off just like that, they opened the back of the 'car' for Harry to put his things into, Draco was starting to calm down when he heard someone scream,

"Potter!" Harry looked back in fear and doubled his efforts to put everything into the back.

They turned the car around and Draco held out his hand, "Come on Harry!"

A large man came bursting through the door and Harry jumped off, Draco caught him but so did the man, "Petunia, he's escaping!"

"Well, that much is obvious!" Draco quipped, tugging at Harry's arm with all his might, the twins and Ron were helping him but the man had a good grip, Harry was like a piece of rope.

"Let go of him you insipid Muggle!" Draco yelled.

"You and that bloody pigeon aren't going anywhere!" Did he just call an owl a pigeon?

Finally, they got Harry in the car, the man fell down into some bushes and he could hear screaming behind them, he couldn't resist saying just one more thing,

"It's a snowy owl, you buffoon!" Draco screamed right before he closed the door.

Harry looked at him in praise and astonishment, his glasses were crooked and his hair was more ruffled than normal. He was just about to say something when someone lifted him up,

"What are you doing!" He hissed at the twin who was lifting him up.

"Sorry mate, but we don't have enough room for all of you back there, you're gonna need to sit on Harry's lap."

"What?" They both said at the same time, Draco struggled but was plopped into Harry's lap nonetheless, the other didn't look happy with this, given how red his face was.

The twins started snickering and winked at Ron for some reason, who winked back. Draco groaned; this was turning out to be quite a day; to think that just moments ago he was laying down in the soft grass, contemplating his existence, but the Weasley's just had to ruin it.

Draco realized that he was really tired. He looked at Harry, yawned, and rested his head on Harry's chest, dozing off.


Harry couldn't believe this was happening, Draco had fallen asleep on him, and it looked like he was out cold, he glared at the Weasley's, but all he got in return was laughter.

"Shhh!" Harry put a finger to his mouth, he didn't want them to wake up Draco, he already looked really tired, if the dark circles under his eyes were anything to go by.

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