Untold Tale Of Love

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Her silvery eyes sparkled as she spoke "eat, we shouldn't show our anger on foods". The strong euphoria in her words had for once made him think "she was the same Naina who had sneaked into his room in the midnight to check on his wound". He smiled taking a bite offered her the same sandwich "we can share Naina, every single thing".

As they finally reached Ahmedabad in the morning nanu has left munna to receive them from station. Seeing munna near the car Naina greeted him "Hi, munna, kaise ho thum?" Despite of her greeting he remained silent with tight lips and turned to Sameer hugging him and picked up his bag "chalo Sameer, we are getting late nanu is waiting for you so you can choose ring for your engagement. Munna voluntarily rejected Naina, who had confusion lingered on her face. She felt dejected though asked him again with a warm smile. "munna... Swati kaise hai?, Sameer said she is pregnant, I'm happy for both of you".

Munna kept the bags inside the car and shut the door with a thud glaring at her. Naina was taken aback with his sudden anger and lowered her eyes as guilt fogged her heart and mind. Weariness hitched on sameer's voice as he pestered "munna...are you hearing? She is talking to you only"

"Ah...I can hear well Sameer, but I don't want to talk to the girl who had lack her mercy". Munna raised his voice. Before Sameer could reply he turned to naina with a bitter expression "if you don't have courage, why you loved him first? For time pass because he is rich, am I right naina?".

She bit her lips trying hard not to cry and her eyes drifted to the man standing next to her looking at her and wrenching his hand helplessly. "Why are you even expecting him to speak for you naina, you dig your own grave where along with love you lost your friends too, you deserved this" she thought her eyes casted low. Hot solemn tears slipped down her cheeks just same as she slipped into the unfathomable hole that was alien to her.

If her smile was the reason for the racing of his heart, her tears are his weakness. To ease, he said softly "munna stop, she is crying. We should go now". With a sharp tone munna replied "oh...please now don't play your innocent triumph card, nothing gonna work now".

Her moist eyes turned red while she took a step aside to move from them. Long fingers encircled her wrist gently pulling her to his side. A sense of belongingness & support gripped her with pride. Sameer a boy she once tagged as 'rich spoilt kid' never failed to surprise her with his care and immense love.

"Munna, stop talking with her like that" Sameer requested him holding her hand. "Down to earth Sameer, why are you still behind her? She cheated on you, did you forgot it?"

"No...but that doesn't mean I stopped loving her, I will not in anyways". Sameer was determined back then relationships can end but the love you kept for someone will never end, that stays in a corner of the heart even though the life has moved on without their presence.


The flames of eastern ball soon rose gradually illuminating the heat both in the surrounding & inside the car. The journey was silent filled with mix of emotions; annoyance, torment, guilt. Without sharing any words both remained quiet gazing fascinated into eachother's orbs that their eyes healing the pain words couldn't. Dispute of sameer's concern, naina had let him hold his hand, now and then her thumb rubbing back of his hand lost in deep thoughts. Car halted with a jerk and munna sounded irritated "you can leave him permanently now".

His harsh words pricked their heart with the realization of the end their love journey is just away from two blocks. There will be no chances of her turning back if she slipped out from his hands. The fear of loosing her flowed, knotting the end of his nerves. But he had to push her out of the boundaries she drowned from. He cupped her face gently kissing her forehead as he exclaimed "I promise, I'll not disturb you again...".

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⏰ Última actualización: Sep 01, 2020 ⏰

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