Chappie 1 - Don't hurt me!

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"P-Please! S-Stop!" Nightmare screamed as the villagers beat him up.

"You deserve this!"

"True monster!"


The villagers kept screaming as poor Nightmare curled up in a ball and continued crying. Soon enough the villagers left, and left Nightmare there laying on his own blood. Soon enough Nightmare stood up, painful look on his face. He tried to ignore the pain, and walked towards the three, his and his brothers mother. He sat on his side, and picked up the his book from the ground, like nothing happened. It has begun mostly a daily thing now. Nightmare would be beaten up, his brother would show up a bit agter the beating, Dream would treat his wounds, and Nightmare would come up with an excuse. But Nightmare knew that Dream knew Nightmare's scares weren't because he 'fell' or was just being 'clumsy'. And that's what upsets Nightmare mostly. Knowing that his own brother doesn't care enough to do something to it. It hurts. Lot more than you could imagine. Nightmare feel betrayed. But that's alright. Nightmare understands. Of course Dream wouldn't want to be seen with Nightmare in the public. When the two of them were alone, Nightmare and Dream would actually hang out. Nightmare would read for Dream, and they would cuddle. Nightmare loves those times. But in the the public Dream pretents Nightmare doesn't even exist. That's the reason Nightmare wouldn't hestate going trough when he sees a strange portal. No one would miss him anyways. Dream only wants Nightmare when Dream is having a hard time. Only when no one is looking. Only when Nightmare can't emberass Dream in front of the villagers. So it's alright for Nightmare to go trough a weird portal that appears out of no where. No one would miss him. So why not? That's what leads us into this strange situation Nightmare is right now......But let's look deeper in the details first.

Nightmare hears a strange sound, and looks up from his book, seeign a strange looking portal. How does Nightmate know it's a portal? Nightmare reads, a lot. He knows a lot of things just by reading some books. He mostly likes romance, but he sometimes reads books about fantasy too. Nightmare slowly, and painfully, stands up, holding his book close to his chest. He tents to do that when he's nervous. Nightmare looks at his book, the portal, and towards the village. He can sense the positivity rating off of the villagers and his brother. They surely wouldn't notice.....right? The curiosity got the best off Nightmare, and he decided to step inside the weird looking portal. He steps inside the portal, and closes his eyes. He feels a bit....weird. Then he feels a hard ground below his feet. Nightmare opens his eyes, and finds himself in a street, with houses everywhere. It looked.....nice in Nightmare's option. Nightmare looked down at his book and notices something.....strange. His hands are.....fleshy...? Nightmare's sure that's not the right word, but he sure as hell doesn't look like skeleton anymore. He brings his left hand in front of his face, looking over it. His skin looked to be more pale than normal humans do, but other than that, he's more human like.

 His skin looked to be more pale than normal humans do, but other than that, he's more human like

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(Too lazy to explain. Kinda like that, up in the picture above.)

He was still holding his book, thankfully. That book was his favorite book, and even though he has reas it many times, it always seems to suprise him in the end. As if he was reading it the first time ever. He walked some time straight foward, not knowing what else to do. Suprisingly, he didn't see anyone, witch is kinda good. He finds himself in front of a school. Well, that's what he thinks it is. It kinda looks like it. The description, i mean. It matches what he has read about schools. Nightmare hides in the shadows, looking as kids, short to tall, left the big building. Suprisingly, no one saw him....well yet. Maybe he just blended in the shadows well?

"Heh" Nightmare chuckled a bit to himself. Wouldn't be a suprise. Nightmare decided to stalk a bit all the kids. He watched as some of them got inside cars, and some of them just rided home with their bikes. It was all going well, until he sensed a strong wave of negativity. Nightmare was....worried. He was a kind soul, and wanted to help everyone he could, despites the fact that everyone hated him. He walked towards the strong wave of negativity, still blending in the shadows quite well. Soon Nightmare found himself in a big opening. He thinks it was the football place? The place where people play football?? He doesn't know. But that's not the thing Nightmare shouldn't be thinking that right now!! He looks to his right and sees something he wouldn't want to see ever. Two boys were picking on a four quite smaller boys, and one girl. Nightmare can't stand that. He knows how it feels like. It's not fun.....

One of the bigger boys pushed one of the other boys, him falling in the ground. Nightmare had enough. He walked out of the shadows, the girl being the first one to see him. The girl looked.....shocked. Well, who wouldn't be. Nightmare is sure that he looks..... strange, to say at least. Nightmare taps to the one's who pushed shoulder. He turned around and looked......scared. Scared...? Hm, guess Nightmare is a monster. All the other turned to look at Nightmare too and didn't turn out that well, he guessed...?

"You know, that was really mean thing to do. Why don't you apologize, and well....." Nightmare said, as his eyes lit up with a threating purple. The two boys understood the silent words, and quickly turned to Mike, apologizing to him, and quickly running off. Now, Nightmare wouldn't actually have hurted them, maybe smacked them in the head with his book, but nothing serious. Nightmare looked as the boys ran off, and turned back to the four boys and the girl.

"Are you alright?" Nightmare asks, as he leds his hand for Mike to grab. Mike hestates a bit, but accepts Nightmare's help, and Nightmare helped Mike to stood up.

"Yes, i'm fine. Thank you...." Mike said as he looked over Nightmare. Now Nightmare wasn't tall, like, at all. But he STILL was a BIT taller than the middle schoolers. Nightmare was about 5'2 feet, and well......yeeea, most people are taller than him. Nightmare was inch or twi taller than the tallest of the middle schoolers group that Nightmare helped.

"What's your name?" El asks, as she steps closer to Nightmare.

"Oh, how rude of me...." Nightmare said, as he bowed to the middle schoolers.

"I'm Nightmare, the protector of negative feelings." Nightmare said, as he stood up straight again.

"Nightmare.....? That's an strange name.....Well my name is Mike, these are Will, Lucas, Dustin and El." Mike said, as he pointed at each person.

"It's nice to meet you! Say....where am i exactly?" Nightmare asked, as he looked around. The kids looked at each other, and they silently agreed that this short prince like creature, was not threat.

"Friends." El said, as Nightmare looked at El confiused.

"W-what?" Nightmare asked. He wasn't 100% sure if El meant that she wanted ti be friends with him.

"Your friend. We friends." El confirmed. Nightmare's eyes went wide open.

"Y-you want to b-be friends w-with m-m-me?!" Nightmare asked, his stuttering coming back to him. El nodded as an 'yes.'

"I-I never had a f-friend before.....a-are you s-sure...?" Nightmare asked ,feeling unsure himself. El sighned and stepped closer to Nightmare, hugging the short protector of negative feelings. At first Nightmare tensed up, since he has been hugged only be his brother, but soon he calmed down and hugged El back.

"Friends." El said determination laying on her voice. Nightmare nodded and gave a smile for El.


Ah, what a good start! So uuh......what now.....?  ...................................>:)

NanaChanGamer thank you for the follow!

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2020 ⏰

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