Uh Oh...

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Bonnie - guys there's blood on the floor...

Mike - WHAT?!


Purple Guy - I am completely innocent and didn't do anything

Purple Guy left the chat
Sam added Purple Guy

Purple Guy - WHY?!

Sam - no one's going until we figure out who did this

Purple Guy - geez for a small person you can be quite bossy...

Mike - seriously?


Mike - alright calm down, back to the matter at hand. What about the blood?

Sam - okay... Bonnie where is this blood?

Bonnie - The mop place

Sam - the caretaker's cupboard?

Mike - the janitor's office?

Bonnie - same thing?

Sam - yep sure

Mike - how much blood is there?

Bonnie - a puddle I guess...

Sam - how big a puddle?
Sam - a few centimetres?

Bonnie - I don't know how to measure...

Sam - honestly 🤦‍♀️

Mike - sometimes I forget that you're literally a 5 year old in a suit...

Sam - well he's more mature than you Mike.

Mike - YOU WHAT?!
Mike - at least I'm not some obsessed little fan person of people who don't even know you're existence.

Sam - OH YEAH?!
Sam - well at least I'm not as dumb as you.

Bonnie - guys the blood?

Mike - oh really, how are you smarter than me?

Sam - first of, I know 4 other languages
Sam - and secondly I can cook way better than you
Sam - and last but not least I get a minimum of 60% in all exams. BEAT. THAT. 바보. 笨. Dummkopf. imbécile.

Mike - um...

Mike has left the chat
Bonnie added Mike

Bonnie - the blood in the mop cleaning thingy room?
Bonnie - guys?

A/n - hey guys! Thanks so much for all the reads and votes! This idea kinda came out of nowhere, I don't know how it linked to watching the birds in my garden...

But anyways, hope you're all healthy and happy and the mystery of the blood will continue next chapter which will be posted next week!

Ps - sorry if I made Americans sound stupid...

Pps - I have exams coming up but me being the procrastinator I am, I will probably make and edit chapters instead of revising good old Shakespeare and poetry.

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