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Chica - has anyone heard from Sam recently? /gen

Mike - ooo look at you being fancy and using tOnE TaGs

Chica - Mike shut up I asked a question and I am expecting an answer.

Freddy - yo guys has anyone seen Sam lately?

Chica - that's what I'm saying!

Mike - oooo look at you. Mr yo I'm so cool 🙄

Freddy - Mike...

Bonnie - Has anyone seen Sam?

Foxy - Has Sam been k-worded by Purple Guy or smn?

Mike - oooo look at me I'm such a good friend cause I'm actually concerned for a friend's wellbeing

Mangle - who pissed in Mike's tea?

Mike - why are you always concerned about Sam's wellbeing and not mine? What if I told you that I feel like none of you care about me?

Freddy - Mike... Buddy... We care about Sam because they are a danger to themselves and he's legit on so much medication right now to help with infection, diseases and stress rn you would not believe it.

Chica - you see bro Sam has their GCSEs coming up and he's not doing to good and we want to be their for them during one of the most stressful times of their life.

Mike - makes sense but I wished you guys pay/ed attention to me when I'm struggling too...

Sam - Mike you're secretly a fictional character and that means you don't have mental and physical health like I do so it's not a concern to me.

A/n - hello. I wrote this on a few different tablets and stuff and also at 11 o'clock at night because this is the only time I can write rn. I would like to think of this chapter as me showing the way I wished my school took my mental health.

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