- The Same but Different -

Start from the beginning

"Thank you, Celine. I'll try my best."

"I hope so for the sake of us."
- - - -

Dark stood in front of the mirror wearing a black dress that hugged her frame in all the right ways. It was one of the dresses Celine once owned. Dark looked almost exactly like her despite the fact of the lightly shimmering blue and red aura, the grey skin colour as well as the crimson eyes.

She took a deep breath and pushed the door handle down and entered the hallway. Dark looked left and right before heading towards the kitchen to get her morning coffee.

"Excuse me, lady, but what are you doing here?"

Dark froze in her spot and turned her head slightly to see Dr. Iplier standing there. Dark faced the ego completely now and put on her significant cold facade and stared him blank in the eye.

"I was invited by Darkiplier. I'm his... sister."

The doctor let his gaze wander over the woman before him with a suspicious glimmer. Dark on the other hand straightened his posture and huffed audible through her nose.

"Are you always staring at stranger woman for so long, doc?" she commented and clasped her hands behind her back. Iplier blinked a few times before shaking his head. His features softened and he put on an apologetic smile.

"I'm sorry. It's just that Dark never mentioned he had a sister. Talking about Dark, I guess you have seen him today, didn't you? Do you know where he is right now?"

Iplier walked up to Dark and they started heading towards where the kitchen was.

"Oh, he had to attend some business with this Anti-Character and said he would be away for some time. It was sudden and happened only one hour or so ago."

The doc only hummed in response when they entered the kitchen where he made them some coffee before making a little small talk. Soon after Dark said her goodbye and made her way back upstairs to the office where she locked herself in for the rest of the day until the late evening hours.

"Dark? Are you in there?"

A knock rung through the air as Wilford knocked on the wooden door, a worried glint in his pink shimmering eyes. He hadn't seen Dark the whole day, not at breakfast or lunch, hell, he didn't even show up for their usual 7 p.m. dinner.
Dark stayed silent as she waited for the only person in this world to go away, as she didn't want him to see her in this form.

"Dark, you can't just stay silent when we both know you're in there. No one else would dare to set a foot into your office," Wilford started to complain, "I haven't seen you the whole day. You missed out on breakfast, lunch and even our dinner! You never not go to our dinner, Dark! What's the matter?"

The entity stayed silent as she put the pen in her hand carefully down and stared at the door in thoughts. Her eyebrows narrowed as she had this bad feeling brewing up in her stomach.

"I really think you shouldn't-"


With a loud bang, the door slammed open as Wilford kicked it down and entered the scene.

"Dark, for the love of god, can you just talk to me on-" Before he finished his sentence, Wil stopped himself as his eyes went wide and he stood there mouth agape.

"Wilford, it's not what you think it is." Dark was standing at this point, a shiver running up her spine as she walked around the massive desk and up to her partner.

Wilford stood there star-struck. He didn't know what to think, what to do. This person looked, sounded and moved similar to Celine. He even though he could see her pale skin through the layers of grey covering her form.

"C-celine. Is that you...?" he asked in hopes, eyes starting to tear up. Was this a hallucination again? Did he dream? Was all of this just one big joke?

"Wilford... I-"

"Celine. My beautiful Celine. How much I've missed you." Before Dark knew what would come upon her, Wilford had her in a crushing hug, tears of joy running down his face.

"You can't imagine how much I've missed you, my dear. I though you would be gone forever. I thought I could never see you or Damien again! Don't you ever do this to me again! I can't survive another time of falling into madness."

At this point Wilford started sobbing into her shoulder and Dark sighed deeply as her heart felt heavy, sinking from her chest into her stomach. Dark patted his back and let the man cry on her shoulder.

"It's okay. I'm here now. You don't have to worry anymore, Wilford. I'm here for you."

Even now, in this form and uncomfortable situation, Dark would be there for Wilford. No matter what would happen. They would be always by his side.


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