- The Same but Different -

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Author's note:
First of all, I want to apologize, because this somehow didn't turn out the way I intended it to be. There are no funny ha-has and it's not flirty in any way, which this should have been.

Sooo you, Gay_Mustache_Demon, get a second one-shot that's actually gonna be as requested! I just would like to know if this is the description of fem Dark you imagined or if I should change some bits!

Still, I hope you and all you other lovely readers will enjoy this because it's something important to me, since I myself discovered to be genderfluid! 

Without further ado, Enjoy!

Darkiplier had a hard time waking up.

All his bones ached and he felt every fiber in his body burning in the hot flames of hell. He groaned and turned around so he faced the ceiling.

That was the moment he noticed something was wrong. He could feel it, something was off. He turned again to lay on his side when he felt something soft touching his arm. He narrowed his eyes in confusion and struck the blanket away. His eyes widened as he saw the reason why his body ached; he had...changed. You could also say morphed or transformed or shape shifted. His black t-shirt he wore that night hung loosely down his slimmer frame as well as his short. He could clearly see his newly formed breasts underneath the clothing and started to slightly blush at that.

"W- What happened?" he asked out loud and put an unfamiliar elegant hand up to cover his mouth in surprise by the higher and softer voice that came out.

As Dark tried to find the answer to his problem and rummaged through his mind, a sudden knock appeared from his door and an all too familiar voice spoke up.

"Darkidoo, you awake?" asked the muffled voice of Wilford, his hand already on the door handle.

"Eh, yes! Everything's alright," Dark responded and talked as deep as she awkwardly could, in hopes to distract her lover from her now feminine voice.

"You alright there, love? You don't sound so good, should I go get the doc?"

"It's fine. Didn't sleep so well this night, that's all. I'll be up in a few."

After a pause filled with silence a reluctant "Okay" came from behind the door and footsteps clued that Wilford was on his merry way again.

"Dark! Are you finally listening to us?!" yelled one of the voices inside his head. Celine.

"Celine! What is going on? Why am I suddenly stuck in your body?"

"Okay, before you or Damien tell me to tell the truth; I'm not sure why. I suppose that it happened due to the fact that you share two different souls within one vessel and that the one you chose, Damien's, needs some time to recover. Like using a suit. You have worn it for some time now and used it almost to its breaking point, so you decided to use another one you have instead and send the old one to get repaired. This scheme can be projected on us. You pushed too hard for too long when using his appearance and now it needs time to heal back up. For the mean time, I gave you my body to use so you won't be unstable and slip between the void, the upside-down and reality."

"How long do you think I will have to stay in this form?"

"I can't tell you for sure but I expect it to be for a few days only, three at most. I suggest you to think of an explanation when meeting the others. For now, you should get ready, a dress to fit your new form should be in Wil's walk-in closet at the very left, lowest shelf, inside the old shoe box."

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