Owning my Life

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Who owns your life, and who are you living it for? This is a difficult question for many of us. We get trapped in our parents' expectations, transfer it to a boss, then to a partner, and we often lose ourselves in the process. You do not own your parents', bosses, and partners' problems. Their problems do not belong to you but you find yourself getting wrapped up over and over until you begin to feel suffocated.

You are not responsible for the actions of another, the decisions of another, the difficulties of another, or the sorrows of another. You can certainly be there to support them if you choose. You do not have to abandon them by any means but you don't have to take responsibility for them either.

Do note the difference in supporting another person and the decisions, difficulties, and sorrows of another. Both binds you to the people with problems but it also takes you from getting yourself tied up.

The only person in this world you are truly responsible for is you.

It is really easy for us to get that backwards, to take responsibility for others but not take responsibility for ourselves. That does not mean not to help someone when they are in trouble. Everyone needs help including you but that does not mean to rely on them for everything.

It is no wonder we lose ourselves, we don't even know where we end and the other person begins. You are an individual and have individual wants and needs. Your wants and needs are different from another individual.

You deserve to have boundaries in your life. You deserve to know where you end and another begins. To realize that nothing you do should be forced, and everything should be allowed to become a conscious choice. The place you are in was a choice made by you because everything was a choice in your life.

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