"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!"Naruto laughed almost falling to the ground.

"You fell for it!"Sakura yelled shocked.

'what kind of joinin is this?!'Sasuke wondered with a raised eyebrow.

The joinin sighed and looked at his soon to be students annoyed.

"My first Impression of you 3 is...Your all idoits."Kakashi says and the three grimace. Then he sighs.

"Meet me on the roof In 5 minutes."He says and diseapears. Sakura grumbles with Naruto .while sasuke stays silent and walks with them. within a minute they arrive on top of the roof ,where their sensei is waiting for them. they then sit down infrount of him.. "Now..Lets all introduce our selfs. Ill go first..My name is kakashi Hatake..I like some stuff. what I dislike. well you get how this works now you, pink hair."He says and points to sakura.

"I'm Sakura Harono. My hobbie is."Glances at sasuke.". I like."Another glance."And my dislike is...NARUTO!"She says and Naruto crys out dramatically. Kakashi and sasuke flinch. kakashi sighs.

"Alright go blonde."Kakashi says. 'He looks so much like you sensei.. How can I be a sensei to him when I know I have already failed you so many times.. '

"IM NARUTO UZAMAKI! MY DREAM IS TO BE HOKAGE DATTEBEYO!SO EVERYONE WILL STOP DISRESPECTING ME AND LOOK UP TO ME!What Iike is ramen and training. What I dislike is the way people look at me"Naruto says once again making sasuke and kakashi flinch. But this time for a different reason.

'Sensei..Kushina... I'm so sorry..'

'dope.'Sasuke thought and him and kakashi look down.Then kakashi coughs and continues.

"Alright,Your turn."He says looking at sasuke.

"My name Is sasuke uchiha. my dream no a promise. is to restore my clan and kill a certain person. I don't have many hobbies and I don't feel like sharing anything else."He says making his team deadpan.

kakashi nods and stands up infront of them.

"Come to training field 7 at dawn tomorrow. oh and you don't want to eat breakfast. it would be bad for you."He says and leaves. Naruto then cheers.

"We are ninja!"He yells happily. Sasuke ignores him and walks away.. With sakura following.Naruto then went to go train.


"Please sasuke kun!"sakura pleads. Sasuke huffs and walks in to the barbuce place and looked up at sakura who was standing confused

"Well you asked to get something to eat. where here. now sit and shut up."sasuke huffed.he then tried to look discreatly at her to know if she was pleased or not. they then ate and for the first time sakura wasn't a fangirl.


The next day they didn't eat breakfast just like kakashi told them not to.then They waited for 2 hours.

"where is sensei.He is two hours late."Sakura asked huffing. Sasuke growled and Naruto starts stomping his feet. just then kakashi appears in frount of them with 2 bells.

"Whats with the bells kakashi sensei?!"Naruto asked confused. Kakahsi sighed.

"I was getting to that Naruto..we are going to have somewhat of a test. You 3 have to get these bells before noon.If you don't I'm sending you three back to the accadamy so come at me with the entint to kill."He explains bluntly and the three genin was taken back.

Alternate universe..(Naruto fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora