Part Eight: Confusion and Sadness

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Five Nights at Freddy's [Story]: Beckoning of the voices (1 out of 2)

Groaning could be heard from the broom closet. This alerted an employee that was passing by the door. Rushing over to it, he pulled the door open with such force that it nearly knocked himself back. He then realised that it was simply just that guy he found yesterday waking up. Kneeling down he helped sturdy the pale man.

“Where am I?” Mike asked in a hoarse voice.

“You’re in the broom closet,” the employee answered.

“Why am I here?” he asked as he tried to focus his vision.

“Long story short, I found you on the floor of the office and hid you here because I know for a fact that you’re that crazy night guard that everyone’s talking about,” the employee answered quickly, “and because I didn’t want you to get into trouble again.”

“Wait, what?” he started but was quickly shushed by the now worried employee.

“I don’t really have much time to explain,” he silenced Mike, putting his hand over Mike’s mouth. “How’s your arm doing by the way?”

Remembering his fracture, Mike looked down at his arm to see how broken it was due to last night’s events but was extremely surprised to find it the same as it was before. Not really the same, it seemed to have healed quickly.

“I found you asleep on the table with your arms and legs sprawled out weirdly. There was blood everywhere but I couldn’t really find a source. I can’t say it came from your arm since it looked pretty healed but it was the only thing that I could think of.”

“But why am I in the broom closet?” Mike asked the employee.

“Well, I needed to hide you from our boss since almost all of the staff of this stupid restaurant know about your nightly antics and about how your injuries and whatnot,” he explained as best as he could. “If word got out that you had gotten more injured or were found in the office like that, let’s just say that you’d lose your job regardless of what our boss had promised you before this.”

“What time is it?” the tired night guard asked as he tried to get up from the floor.

“It’s almost 7am,” the employee answered, “you’re lucky to have woken up so early.”

“Has he come?” Mike asked wearily as he received help from the employee to get up.

“Boss? Oh, he hasn’t. He’s not coming today because he has some meeting of some sorts, said it was important and stuff so I didn’t really bother him about it.”

Once he got onto both feet and was able to move without any help from the employee, he thanked the guy and was starting to walk away from the place when the employee called out to him one last time.

“Hey man! Take care alright? It’s your last night tonight, then you don’t have to worry about this shithole of a place anymore.”

“Alright, thanks again man,” Mike replied with a smile and a thumbs up.

As soon as Mike was out of earshot, a frown descended upon the employee’s face as he knew what was to become of the unfortunate night guard.

“You wouldn’t have to worry about this place no more…”

“…because it won’t be your mind any more to control.”


“Doll? I’m home!”

Entering the house, he was greeted with the smell of fried bacon and freshly flipped pancakes. He dropped his bag at the front door and walked over to the kitchen (after closing and locking the door of course) and saw the back of Doll as she kept cooking this special breakfast of hers. He smiled to himself as he simply strolled over to his loving girlfriend and hugged her from behind, his arms encircling her waist, pulling her closer.

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