Part Six: Outcome of Night Three

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Five Nights at Freddy's [Story]: You help me, and I’ll help you. (1 out of 2)

As Mike’s boss unlocked the doors at the entrance of Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza, he strolled in, thinking that the watchman had already gone home as it was 6:11am. He was checking his watch when he heard the sound of a muffled groan. Looking up, trying to detect the source of the sound, he saw something that he had never seen before.

Being held up by his arms was Mike. He was dangling mid-air as the bear animatronic stood in his place on the stage. It was obvious that Mike was unconscious at the time but that did not stop his boss from running up to him and attempting to get Mike down from there as carefully as he could. The tight hold on Mike was rather tough to loosen but after some sheer determination, his boss managed to lower Mike slowly onto the ground where he laid him down on his back.

Just then did one of the morning shift employees entered the restaurant and saw his own boss frantically fanning Mike so that he would come back to consciousness.

“Hey boss, what happened to him?” the employee asked.

“Oh Tom, thank god you’re here,” his boss exclaimed in relief, “run and go get me a glass of water!”

“But what-,” before he completed his question, he got cut off angrily by his boss.

“Just get the damn water!” he yelled in desperation.

The panicked employee immediately sprinted to the kitchen where he grabbed a bottle of mineral water and came back to his boss. Panting uncontrollably due to his sudden reaction, he handed over the bottle to his boss and leaned against the elevated stage as to prevent himself from collapsing. The building was bigger than anyone could imagine, hence the never ending mysteries behind each and every door.

Sprinkling little amounts of water (with caution) on Mike’s face, he slowly stirred awake rather sleepily and weakly. A surge of relief went through his boss the moment he realised that Mike was no longer unconscious and a slight smile fell upon his lips. He was rather glad that he had not lost another employee midway through the week, even gladder that he didn’t lose an employee that he favoured dearly despite their (sort of) vague relationship.

He wasn’t clear on why he liked him but that didn’t matter now. Mike needed medical attention immediately. Asking the resting employee of his to help and call for a doctor, the employee obliged to the request and used his boss’ phone to dial their personal doctor’s number. They couldn’t risk the hospital just because they didn’t want any more bad news to come out of their place of business.

“What?” Mike groaned as he tried to get up.

“No, no,” his boss beckoned as he laid him against a prop on the stage. “Just relax and the doctor will be here soon.”


“He has a minor fracture in his right arm so he has to get a cast on so no more further damage is applied on the area,” the doctor spoke as he attended to Mike in the small medical room they had in the restaurant (for small accidents like when a kid falls and bumps his head or something simple like that).

“How long will it take for him to regain full health once more?” Mike’s boss asked anxiously.

“Generally it takes two to three weeks for such a minor fracture to heal. The cast is there to keep his hand protected so it’ll all be fine in a matter of time.”

“Great,” Mike muttered as he heard what the doctor said.

“You,” the doctor addressed Mike with a rather strict tone, “had better go home and get some rest. Do not go back to work until your hand is fully healed. Also, you must come for a check-up at the end of the week so I can monitor your progress.”

(A/N: I’m sorry if I got this doctoring stuff wrong. It’s late and I’m just trying to get this over with.)


Walking back to the car, Mike noticed that not all of his belongings were in the car and was about to ask his boss about them but when he saw the stressed out look on his face, he decided against it. As he entered the car, he realised that he would have difficulty with shutting the door and putting on his seatbelt and let out a frustrated sigh. Nothing was going right for him.


Except that he was one step closer to discovering the secrets behind the deadly animatronics.

He knew he couldn’t stop now, now that he was closer than before to discovering what caused everything in that restaurant but how could he accomplish such a thing? His boss would never let him come back and work due to doctor’s orders and it was a definite no from Doll if she ever found out about how he got his fracture. Unless.

Unless he lied to her.

He could still come back nevertheless.

But could he put up with lying to her? His precious Doll…


“Hey, Doll! I’m home,” he greeted as he walked through the door.

“Oh, hi!” she squealed as she ran out from the living room.

Stopping halfway as she realised that he had a cast on his right arm.

“Mike, what’s that?” she asked, pointing at his arm.

“Oh, it’s nothing. Some idiot on a (motor) bike pushed me down on the street as he speeded by,” he lied.

Why did it feel so easy to do so?

“Did you get his number plate?” she asked, shocked from his condition.

“He was on a bike, Doll! Besides, my boss helped me over to the clinic and the doctor said that I could still go back to work.”

“But you need rest!” she argued.

“I need to get us the money, baby,” he spoke as he tried to calm her down.

She walked forward and hugged him tightly, avoiding his damaged arm, and sighed deeply.

Nothing was going right for them.

Nothing at all.


He woke up suddenly in the middle of the afternoon. Doll wasn’t home since she was working another early shift that day. He couldn’t figure out the source of why he jumped out in such a panicked state but instead ignored it. Making a move to rub his face, he felt a sharp pain and was reminded of his injury that he had gained from his little adventure last night. Carefully moving out of his bed, he walked out of the room and was just passing by the living room when he had noticed, his bag full of files laid on the floor just by the front door.

Now was the best time he could get to himself to read over these files. Realising so, he walked over to the bag and picked it up before heading back to his study room so that he could figure things out.

He could finally put an end to the curiosity in his mind that lurked around the public news that the restaurant had gained from whenever it started. Quickly grabbing a snack and drink from the kitchen, he set himself out to work.

“Hm, what’s this ‘Bite of ‘87’ about?” he thought out loud as he glanced over at the bright red file on top of the pile.

A/N: I'm sorry this chapter is not as eventful as the others. I'm exhausted as hell trying to finish this. Night Four will make more sense, I promise.

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