Part Four: Research

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Five Nights at Freddy's [Story]: An urge that claws at your mind. (1 out of 2)

“None of this explains why there was never news about these deranged animatronics at all!” he yelled in frustration as he tossed a bunch of papers across the room.

Doll was working an early shift that day so they had very little time to spend together before she had to leave. Once she left, he had spent most of his time trying to gather as much information as he could on the restaurant as to uncover its secrets and mysteries.

Searching for said documents, reports, reviews, or anything related to the restaurant in this matter was both easier and harder than he had imagined. There was only so much one could do without an extensive knowledge of research via the internet but he didn’t give up there. He was determined on uncovering the gruesome and deathly truth behind these killing machines.

Sighing in frustration as he covered his face once more, he got up and made his way to the kitchen where he kept grumbling utter nonsense to himself. His head had begun to start hurting again so he grabbed his bottle of pills and screwed the cap off and popped a couple of pills in his mouth before swallowing. He then put the lid back on and the bottle back and went over to the fridge to look for something to eat.

As he scurried through the shelves, he found a medium sized Tupperware container with a folded piece of paper on it. He took it out of the fridge and placed the container on the counter as he opened up the letter to read it.

You haven’t been eating properly so I thought that I’d just leave you your favourite sandwich in the fridge for when you do get hungry. Hope you like it!

                                                - Doll

Smiling to himself, he felt his heart lighten up a bit from this gesture of kindness and caring from his loving girlfriend and placed the folded paper back into his pocket before carrying the plastic container back to where he was working. As he passed the living room, he saw that the television was left on.

“Maybe I could just watch something for a little to get my mind off of things.”


And another amazing shot by Marc Lesley! What a goal! What, a, goal indeed!

“Yeah, man!” Mike cheered as he watched a game show on the television.

His sandwich container empty for a long time and a chilled bottle of beer in his right hand as he rested it on the armrest of the couch. He seemed to have forgotten about his whole ordeal with the restaurant until he heard his hand phone ringing in the other room. Getting up, he went to the other room to answer it, forgetting to leave his beer at the table and instead, bringing it along with him.

“Hello?” he answered as soon as he picked up the phone.

“You called?” a familiar voice sounded from the other end.

Mike knew exactly who it was.

“I’ve been needing to talk to you since fucking yesterday you asshole,” Mike growled, his grip tightening around the bottle.

“Look,” his boss said with a sigh, “I knew you were calling about this and I don’t really blame you if you want to quit so badly but you did ask for any job.”

“Don’t try protecting yourself by using my own words against me,” Mike argued, his knuckles brimming with white and pink as he kept his firm grip on the bottle.

“I know, I know,” his boss waved it off hastily, “if you want to quit so badly, then just do it already. I have other important things to attend to.”


“I’ll sign your-“, there was a pause for a moment. “What did you just say?”

“I said no,” Mike repeated himself. “You see, I may have put my own life at risk at that fucking place for not one but two fucking nights at that hellhole and all I want are answers.”

“How come you’re not quitting?” his boss questioned, curiosity filling his voice.

“Well for one thing, I want to receive my full pay at the end of the week,” Mike said, only speaking half of the truth behind it.


“What do you mean by ‘and’?” Mike retorted.

“Well, there must be another reason behind it because clearly that isn’t one of the smartest answers I’ve ever heard from a quitting employee.’

“I’m not quitting and no there is no other reason.”

In truth, Mike just couldn’t pin point the real reason behind him wanting to come back for another night. Somewhere in his mind, a vague memory triggered. He couldn’t really make out what it was but it was the main reason why he kept wanting to go back.

“So?” he asked his boss.

“Well, if you really want to keep the job, then sure, go ahead, I’m not arguing,” he replied plainly.

“Now, for the other thing,” Mike said as he took a swig from his bottle of beer. “Does my set of keys have access to all the rooms in the restaurant?”

“Why do you want to know that?” his boss questioned, a little hostility in his tone.

“Because I’m the bloody night guard that’s trying to protect his life while trying to keep guard of the restaurant at night,” he replied angrily, getting very angry at his boss’ reluctance at helping him.

“Sure, that’s a good enough reason,” his boss replied in a sarcastic tone.

“Listen here you!” Mike yelled, this time his anger getting the best of him.

His grip on the bottle reaching its maximum point, causing the bottle to burst and break. With the alcohol falling onto his clothes and the floor and the blood slowly dripping from his hurt hand onto the alcohol pools around his feet, he didn’t seem to pay any mind to what just happened.

“What the hell was that?” his boss yelled in panic.

“Forget about that for a second and just answer my damned question!”

“Yes! Yes, it does!” his boss answered, giving into the situation.

“Thank you,” Mike angrily grumbled.

“Is there anything else you’d want me to answer before you destroy anything else around you?” his boss asked, half joking and half serious.

“If there is, then I’ll give you a bloody call,” Mike answered before hanging up abruptly.

Once he placed the phone back where it originally was, only then did he feel the sharp pain of the glass pieces stuck in his hand and the alcohol mixed with his wound. It burned really badly but at the time, he could not seem to remember what to do. He kept clutching his wrist to try and prevent any more pain from occurring but it still stung really badly.

His headache started to return again, this time transforming into a major migraine, something he’s been trying to avoid for a long time. With his vision blurred and the blood escaping from his hand, he stumbled forward towards the living room. There was the sound of banging against the door and someone shouting from the other side. It sounded like a female.

“H-hello?” he stammered as he fell to his knees and started to crawl.

Images flash through his mind, showing and disappearing within the second it had appeared. Although he could not see, he knew what those visions were. He reached the front door of his apartment and kept hearing the loud banging of the other person from outside. Looking down, he tried to catch his breath but the moment her turned up, he saw a half brown-half golden figure upon him.

In a low demonic-like growl, it spoke.

Where’s your god now?

He then collapsed.

A/N: Night Three will begin in the next chapter.

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