Start from the beginning

With my mind currently at a standoff between guarding this injured wolf and fighting, I stood at a standstill. If anything, I will defend while they are closest to me.

My body circled the injured wolf as I tried getting a reaction from the deathly still body on the ground. I nudged my snout into its body numerous times with no promised reaction. My sadness began to grow.

Pounding footsteps rushed to approach me and by the aura around the person, I could tell it was someone I knew.

"Clancy, you've got to get to Enzo, he's gone, like he's gone gone" Rhy came up to me panting. It seems she handled the three bots on her own. She sighed and then pulled herself together.

"I hope this antidote is legit because... gosh, it's like his human side is no more, it's terrifying." I could see stress lines begin to form on her forehead. Her eyes were pleading with me to help.

I want to help! I yelled but the words only ricochet off the walls of my mind.

"Find Janet, Leave everything else to me." She demanded firmly. My wolf bristled at the demanding tone but a sense of pride filled me, she would make a good right hand...

I nodded and used the four legs I had to run. Knowing Janet she'd make all these human do her dirty bidding just so she could getaway. Females like here don't like to work for what they want, they'd rather let someone else do it for them.

The large steel wall that once posed as a border was no longer, instead stood rows and rows of warriors on both ends fighting for their lives. As I practically flew past everyone I felt a faint connection with each creature fighting, almost as if they've already accepted my Luna status over their world.

Speak of the devil and they shall appear I snarled in my mind. The conniving b*tch had snuck away with two 'bodyguards' at her disposal. In their hand a long silver chain that had a large black wolf unconsciously chained to it.

They seemed deep in a conversation and I took that as my chance to attack. I went for the one on the far left and I latched my big, wolfy body onto their armoured suit and used my muzzle to gnaw off the metal scrap. Once he realized he was being attacked he began to flail but it was too late. The machine was as good as dead and the human inside was trapped.

By this time I had blown my cover as the other guard used the machine gun attached to his arm and began shooting at me.

"Watch my future husband, you idiot!" Janet yelled out as one of the guard's shot landed very close to Enzo.

She called off his line of fire and slowly turned back to me with a sneer on her face.

"You're so persistent aren't you." She gave me one of her infamous evil smiles. I growled at her. She nodded her head and in a split second, my legs were bound together by tight rope. She smirked and swung the crossbow sitting on her back into her arms and aimed at me.

"Say hi to father for me won't cha?" She winked. I bristled.

Just as her finger slipped, the loudest roar I've ever heard rang out. It was so loud I heard white noise after it. Whatever sedative Enzo ingested wore off. He was angrier than ever.

The cuffs around his paw broke under pressure as his black beady eyes scoped out the area. They landed on Janet first and he responded with a violent huff. Then they glanced at me and if possible, he looked even angrier. It sparked hope inside me.

Enzo please still be in there

He was quick with his attacks. Despite his lack of humanity he knew how to fight and tore into the bodyguard like he was a turkey feast on thanksgiving. Janet dropped her bow in fright and began stumbling back like a scared puppy.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2020 ⏰

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