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Sorry bout the late update lol. I work and have no time. #Throwback to when I was unemployed.


Walking away from the pack grounds I could feel the tightness in my heart and the loud thumping in my brain become more excruciating and hard to ignore. There weren't many guards to stop me as they were preoccupied with Enzo so leaving was practically a breeze. It felt like a strong rubber band stretching as far as it could before snapping in half and all the people I've grown to know there were miraculously gone.

I kept on a straight route, walking in a perpendicular line. I didn't know where I was heading since the forest looked the same. Every tree, every plant – hey didn't I already pass that berry bush? I couldn't keep up this for long though because my feet were aching from non-stop walking and my back was protesting to have a rest.

I had nowhere to stop and rest as the sun was preparing to travel across the world before coming back again and I knew the evil and deceiving fauna that lived here would begin to lurk. Enzo was not the only beast I encountered the day I arrived on this side of the land.

There was another one, a more vicious one. It was the one that met me when I first crossed. It almost killed me and I have a chunk missing from my cherry red sweater to prove that I was in fact almost murdered.

I walked as far as my tired legs could bring me and as fast as I could so Enzo and his pack mates couldn't find me. I knew if he found me he would be in the form that scared me the most, his beast form. He wouldn't understand that I'm doing this for him, that the purpose of this journey is to cure him of something that will ultimately kill him.

My tracks slowly went from a speed walk to careful saunter as I began to think of a plan once I got in ear shot of the border. I should have rethought leaving so close to dawn but the need to fix Enzo was too strong to ignore.

Everyone in the town including me was tricked into thinking that building was destroyed by the enemies that lived on the other side of the border.

We were all tricked into thinking that the supernatural was the cause of our beautiful city to be now all over the earth ground in stones.

We were all told that they wanted to kill us and that our town fighters had it all under control, but I know the truth now.

I know that it wasn't their fault. It was ours. The humans were the ones to blame for the destruction of harmony and land we all once lived in. They were the cause of an innocent little boy being stolen from their family and turned into a raging beast unable to control himself and his urges.

And now I must fix everything because if I don't then I'll be consumed with guilt and sadness knowing I could have helped Enzo.

I'm not even sure where I would find that antidote as everything in it was rumoured to be destroyed with the building. Thanks to Jayei I now know that it's a cold hard lie, the man who was in her flashback hid everything in an indestructible safe that was hidden once the building was demolished.

The rubble left behind by the building was still sitting in front of the Café I worked at and the huge window that was located at the front of the store gave everyone a clear view of the only scientific building that was in our district. Workers were too lazy to clean up the mess and decided to encase it with yellow neon tape that red CAUTION in big bold black letters. If anyone was caught inside the tape they'd be immediately thrown in jail.

I never knew why but now I do.

I took a step forward and went tumbling down over a tree root that was sticking high out the ground. My body hit the dead leaf covered dirt harshly leaving a painful feeling in my left arm that I used to break my fall. I groaned and brushed off the specks of dirt and little branches off my arm and pushed myself on my feet.

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