Your Love Kept Me Safe.....

Start from the beginning

So in the morning I went to all my classes and I notice that Elena hadn't turned up for any of them and even Caroline. I wanted to go and check on them but I stopped myself. I needed to be focused with school amongst other thing like finding out from Enzo if it had worked whatever my mom was doing. Once again it was voice mail all day long. So I just carried on my day like any other student and put my worries about Elena, Caroline and even Enzo to one side. That night I was doing a little studying to catch up on some of my classes. I had a knock on my door when I went to answer it was Ric he wanted to speak to me and it seems kind of serious with the expression he held on his face.

Ric had told me that Stefan had let it spill to my mom what she had done that she had him compel the memories of my dad away. I asked how she was dealing with it all and he told me it wasn't good. She was fully aware of everything but didn't know how to react to it all. He had offered to restore back what he had taken but she wasn't in the right mind to make that kind of choice. What surprised me more than anything is that Klaus made some kind of appearance and brought her home. Ric just wanted me to know that she was fully aware of who I am. He thinks that it would be a good idea that I go and see her as she confused about what she wants to do. Maybe if she sees me it might give her some clarity in all this.

It had been three days since Ric came and told me the news on my mom. I hadn't gone to see her because I was worried of her reaction and also all the questions that would be thrown at me. Elena came by my dorm and told me she had seen her and she just seems like her normal self but confused with the way she should feel about my dad. Even Elena insisted it would be a good idea that I went to see her as she had asked about me. I was getting a little too much as I didn't understand any of this. From what I understood from Enzo that she was finding a way to bring my dad home. Now it was like she didn't know who he was. I wanted to tell Elena what Enzo had told me but he asked me to keep it between us. He wouldn't lie about something like this would he? I know his done a disappearing act but what would be the point in telling me all that? None of it was adding up I guess the only way I would get any answers is to face my fears.

So I left Whitmore and got into my car driving to the cottage where my mom lived. When I arrived and parked up I felt my stomach turn as I didn't know what to expect. I knew I had to face her at some point and right now was good time as any. I walked to the front door and rang the doorbell as I did that every part of me just wanted to run. As I wasn't ready to face her I turned to walk away but I heard the door open.

"Hello" I hearing her voice after all this time made my heart want to jump out of my chest I wanted to walk I had to walk away because I wasn't ready for this.

"This was a bad idea" I muttered to myself as I started to walk away.

"Nico..." She called out. She knew who I was? "Please don't go" I stopped and slowly turned around to see her standing there looking as beautiful as I remember but she had this swollen belly now. "I think we have a lot to talk about" She gave me that warm smile that I always adored and I nodded my head making my way towards the front door. She indicated for me to come in and I walked in to the living room. She went off in the kitchen to make us both a drink while I just looked around the room. There wasn't anything in this place that resembled my dad. No pictures of him. Not even those quirky trinkets that he used to have scattered around the boarding house. There was no sign of Damon Salvatore even existed in this place. I heard her come back into the room carrying two mugs of coffee and hands one to me.

"Thank you" I smiled at her as I took a sit. It was strange to see her pregnant and how she found it difficult to try and sit. "It doesn't look like you have much longer" I indicated about her huge bump she looked down at it and all I could see was sorrow in her eyes "I heard that it's a girl" I didn't know what to say it was like I was sitting in a room with a total stranger rather than my mom.

'Eternally Entwined' Damon Salvatore Love Story. Part Of 'Epic Love Saga'Where stories live. Discover now