Chapter Twelve

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"So I'm telling you this now, I love you Rebekkah."

I didn't know what to say. I was lost for words. He, Devan Norwood, had just told me he loved me. As much as I wanted to jump at his bones I couldn't. I was still broken and hurt. I needed more time to heal.

I finally spoke, "I-I can't. I'm sorry. I just need more time I hope you understand."

His face fell and all confidence went flying out the window.

"It's not that I don't like you belive me it's definitely not that. In fact, I like you a lot too. It's just that all this stuff that's happening it's too much. I need time."

His smile and excitement appeared again just not with full power as the first time.

"I understand Rebekkah. I'll wait." He got up and was heading for the door.

Before he closed the door I called out to him, "Wait, Devan!" He step back into my house. "Yeah."

"I hope you wait for me," I said with hopeful eyes.

He smiled that one million dollar smile.

"I'll wait forever if I have too."

He stepped towards me and inched his way closer and closer. My breath hitched and butterflies swarmed my stomach. He knew exactly what to say to make me weak to my knees. He leaned in and I immediately thought he was going to kiss me on the lips. I closed my eyes and puckered up. This was happening! It's really happening! I then felt soft lips against my cheek. Wait, what? My eyes fluttered opened and I saw a smiling Devan starring with amusement at me. My cheeks became flushed. Those damn traitorous cheeks of mine! I seriously thought he was going to kiss me on the lips. I was even ready for it. He laughed hysterically. I couldn't help but join in and laugh about my stupidity. His laughter was contagious.

When it died down he said, "Belive me I want to kiss those pretty pink lips of yours more than you want to kiss me but that's going to have to wait for when we officially go out." He said it with a wink.

"See you beautiful."

Again I stopped him.

"Stay with me. Please? I-I don't want to be alone."

He smiled and took his shoes and closed the door.


Devan and I were now in my room talking about anything and everything. Earlier I got a call from my parents saying there weren't going to be home till the next day. And Eli was sleeping over his girlfriends house. So here I was, alone with no one other than Devan. He was sleeping over. I was sure thankful for him.

We were waiting for Delaney to show up and join our mini weekend sleepover. Junk food surrounded us. Chips, Cookies, Marshmallows, and Popcorn drizzled with chocolate. We were going to be fattys tonight that's for sure.

I groaned, "Where is she?"

As if on cue I heard her car driving into my driveway. Finally! The door creaked open and she yelled out, "The party's here bitchess!"

Yup, that was definitely Delaney. She was holding a plate of brownies and a bunch of DVD's.

Devan got up as soon as his eyes saw the brownies that were in her hand.


She roughly pushed that sent him to jerk backwards and fall flat on his ass. Giggles escaped from both of our mouths.

"Ah ah ah." She said while scolding us with her forefinger. "Before we stuff our faces with my awesome brownies I got to tell you guys what I put in it first."

It was that smile. Her devilish smile. That meant only one thing.

"Special brownies!?" Devan yelled out happily.

"Yup! I'm pretty awesome aren't I?" Delaney spoke out proudly.

"No, your crazy. We can't eat these my parents are going to go nuts!" I said at her angrily. It was true. Last time my parents found out I smoked Marijuana with Delaney they grounded me for a two whole months. Plus I was banned from seeing Delaney for a little while.

"Come on, what they don't know won't hurt them! There not even here."

"Yeah come on Rebekkah please!?"

They both pleaded me with those puppy eyes.

I was going to hell for this.


"Woah! Look guys, I can do magic with my tongue." All I was doing was wiggling it. We were all laughing hysterically at nothing. Yup you guessed it, we were higher than the eiffel tower.

We munched on some chips since we were getting the munchies. The whole night we spent talking about random stuff, watching more DVD's, and just laughing. It felt good to not worry about anything.

It was 1:24 and we finally drifted to sleep. Surprisingly, we all fit on my bed so we just slept together not giving a shit.

I love them so much. Without them I'd be a pathetic broken girl who cried every night because her boyfriend broke her heart and she got kidnapped and abused. Without them she was nothing. They were her saving grace.

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