Help (Part one??)

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A random oneshot!

It was 3PM, December 18th in America when Alfred texted the G8 group chat.

Screams- Hey dudes, I kinda need help rn, if you don't mind :D
I need help putting up Christmas lights :))'

Replies started shooting in in about 3 minutes, since they were all staying in America for a G8 meeting, which scared the daylights out of Alfred, as he had the ringer on his phone at the highest setting.

Vodahkah- Да, I would be more than willing to help.

MagicalScones- I'll come over to help, I'll also bring scones!

Fries- Oui!! I can help u America!!! 😘

MagicalScones- Shut up, frog!

GerMan- Ja, I would be able to come over to help in about a half of an hour, if that is alright.

Atsap- I'll come along with Germany 😄 🍝!!!!!!1!1!!1

NihouKaiLan- Can I bring some games to show you?

Debt- I will be right over!!!!

Alfred, seeing all the messages, spit out his coffee because he thought no one would agree, but replied.

Screams- AWEEE ILY U GUYS U SHOULD ALL COME OVER :D !!! (yes Japan you can bring games and yes Germany you can come in a half an hour idc :p)

And pretty soon, the G8 were settled at Alfred's giant house and putting up Christmas lights.

They were in groups so they could get more done, the groups are as follows;

1: Kiku and Yao

2: Ludwig and Feliciano

3: Francis and Arthur

4: Ivan and Alfred


"Vanya! I need help- I'm too short to put up these lights!"
Alfred exclaimed to the tall Russian man.
"Ah, alright. Where should I put them?" America pointed to the high shingles on the roof.
"The nails are already stuck in there, I just need the lights attached."
And with that, Ivan in all his tallness, got the job done.
"Thank you, Vanya!"
"No problem, Fredka."


"Stop looking up my shirt, frog! There's nothing to look at!" Arthur Screamed.
"Onhonhon, I disagree, Arthur." Francis responded, helping England hang up the long strand of christmas lights.
Soon enough, they got done.
"Tch, thanks, I guess.."
"You're welcome!"


"Ve~ Aren't the lights pretty, Doitsu?" The Northern part of Italy exclaimed as they were finishing the lights.
"Ja, I agree, they are quite pretty." The taller of the duo responded, putting away the ladder and extra lights. "We should do this next year!"


"Why didn't you do any work, aru! He called us to help, not do whatever!" An irritated Chinese man screeched, visibly angry.
"I apologize. I was simply writing a do- a book (yeah totally a book)." And the two commenced to put away extra lights and head into Alfred's warm house.


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