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𝓁𝒾𝓁𝓎-𝑜𝒻-𝓉𝒽𝑒-𝓋𝒶𝓁𝓁𝑒𝓎: 𝓈𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓉𝓃𝑒𝓈𝓈, 𝓅𝓊𝓇𝒾𝓉𝓎, 𝓅𝓊𝓇𝑒 𝓁𝑜𝓋𝑒


"hey seungmin."

"yes, felix?"

"truth or dare."

seungmin looked up from his phone, giving felix an unimpressed look. he had a feeling that he knew where the aussie was going with his game proposition.

"um, truth?" seungmin replied, laughing quietly as felix sighed at him.

"you're so boring." felix huffed, crossing his arms over his chest. "so, you definitely have a crush on hyunjin, right?"

seungmin's cheeks tinted red. "no."

"hey, you're not allowed to lie during truth or dare! that defeats the point!" felix protested. seungmin brought his hands up to his face, hiding.

"why would you bother asking a question that you already know the answer to?!" seungmin asked, peeking through his fingers, fuming as he saw felix's cheeky smile.

"i just wanted to hear you say it out loud," felix replied, laughing again at seungmin's state. "truth or dare?"

seungmin sat up, flustered. "isn't it my turn to ask you?"

felix shook his head, dismissing seungmin's words with a flick of his wrist.

"okay, well i dare you to ask hyunjin for his number today."

seungmin stared at felix, jaw dropped slightly open at felix's words.

"are you serious?" seungmin asked and felix shrugged.

"why wouldn't i be serious?" felix said, and seungmin shook his head vigorously.

"i'm not doing that," seungmin said, returning his attention back to his phone.

"it's a dare, you have to," felix chuckled, and seungmin looked up at him, giving him the same deadpan stare he had when the aussie had brought up truth or dare in the first place.

"yeah, but don't we get one chicken?" seungmin shot back, and felix pouted.

"you're really no fun."

"and you're really annoying." seungmin smiled at felix, standing from his folding chair and exiting the employee break room, deciding to stand behind the counter. he would wait for another customer to enter the store.

felix followed shortly after, joining seungmin behind the counter. he leaned against the surface, smile coming to his face as he heard the bell above the door jingle. seungmin thought it was safe to assume that the customer wasn't hyunjin, as they hadn't greeted the both of them by yelling good morning to them.

after a few minutes, the customer brought a flowerpot to the counter and seungmin rang them up. the bell jingled again, and this time, felix and seungmin were met with the loud voice of hyunjin. seungmin smiled, taking the credit card from the customer who was now giving him an odd look. after he had completed the payment, he handed the card back, giving the customer a smile and a 'have a good day'.

felix had already abandoned seungmin, running off into the store so that he could greet hyunjin first. seungmin raced after him, scared that his coworker would tell hyunjin about the crush he had on him.

once he had found felix and hyunjin, he walked over to them, standing beside felix. he shyly greeted hyunjin.

"good morning," hyunjin said back, smiling brightly at seungmin. "i need an arrangement done today."

seungmin nodded, smiling back at him. he turned away, heading back over to the counter so that he could prepare the flowers. hyunjin and felix followed behind him.

"they're for my mom," hyunjin continued, letting his arms rest on the counter. "she requested peonies."

"got it." seungmin turned to the flower wall, plucking the pink and red blossoms from their place. he set them in a vase that was already filled with water, then turned back to the wall, scanning it for flowers that would look nice with the peonies.

"good fortune and prosperity," felix said, and seungmin swore he felt his heart sink into his shoes. he wanted nothing more than to turn around and glare at felix, but he tried his best to remain calm, pulling some greens from the wall.

he added the greens to the vase, feeling his heart sink even further as he saw the confused look on hyunjin's face.

"what?" hyunjin asked, and felix nodded. seungmin stared at him, but the aussie ignored him.

"that's what peonies symbolize," felix explained, seungmin absolutely hating the cheeky grin that was forming on felix's face. seungmin turned away again, not knowing what to do, so he decided to say nothing and continued making the arrangement.

"oh, wow!" hyunjin said, and felix smiled at him.

"yep, it's cool. all flowers have meanings," felix further explained, making seungmin want to die. he took the final handful of stems from the flower wall and stared at the vase, thinking for a moment how he should arrange them. once he had an idea, he looked over to felix, catching the aussie's eyes. felix gave him a look that told seungmin that he knew exactly what he was doing. "like, roses symbolize love or romance and daisies symbolize innocence."

"i didn't know that," hyunjin said, and felix nodded. seungmin stared intensely at the flowers as he worked, already planning in his head exactly what he was going to say to felix as soon as hyunjin left the store. "do a lot of people know about that?"

felix hummed, shrugging. "i don't know. seungmin and i both know flower meanings, though."

seungmin felt felix lightly step on his foot, making it all the more clear to seungmin that he knew what he was doing.

"maybe i'll look up some flower meanings later," hyunjin said, and felix smiled again.

"you definitely should. it's super interesting."

god dammit, felix, seungmin thought to himself, forcing a smile on his face as he pushed the arrangement towards hyunjin, having finished making it. he quite liked how it had turned out, but was too busy being worried about what would happen as a result of felix's suggestion to fully appreciate it.

"thanks!" hyunjin said, clapping excitedly as he saw the finished product. "my mom will love it."

seungmin sighed quietly, turning to the flower wall once again. even if felix had just possibly ruined everything, he would still give a flower to hyunjin. he pulled one from the wall, handing it to hyunjin, who's face lit up as it always did.

"what is this one called?" hyunjin asked. felix quietly laughed, making seungmin fume again.

"it's a lily-of-the-valley," seungmin answered sweetly, and hyunjin nodded after a moment, sunshine smile appearing on his face, blinding seungmin.

after paying, hyunjin was on his way, carrying his vase of flowers and the lily-of-the-valley he had been given with him out the door. as soon as the door had shut, seungmin turned to felix, ready to tell him off. the aussie, noticing this, ran off immediately, laughing loudly as he weaved in and out of the shelves, trying his best to get away from seungmin.

"do you even know what you just did, you idiot?!" seungmin yelled, receiving no answer from felix who continued to laugh and run away.

god dammit, felix.

tulips, yellow ✔ → seungjinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora