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𝒶𝓈𝓉𝑒𝓇: 𝓈𝓎𝓂𝒷𝑜𝓁 𝑜𝒻 𝓁𝑜𝓋𝑒


"i win!"

"i think you're cheating..."


seungmin shook his head lightly as he walked up and down the rows of shelves, watering the flowers. felix and hyunjin had been competitively playing tic-tac-toe for the past ten minutes.

seungmin watered the last few flowerpots and then stepped outside, going to fill up the can. once he had, he headed to the employee break room, setting the watering can back in its place. he then went to the counter, standing beside felix.

"felix beat me the last four times!" hyunjin exclaimed, and seungmin smiled, looking over to felix, who wore a triumphant expression on his face. seungmin thought they were being ridiculous.

"wow, felix, i didn't know you were the tic-tac-toe master," seungmin said, unimpressed. felix didn't seem to notice his tone and beamed at him, placing a hand on his hip sassily.

"i've been training years just for this moment." the aussie turned away from seungmin, messily scrawling another tic-tac-toe board onto the piece of notebook paper that seungmin had given him.

"i get to go first this time!" hyunjin said, hurriedly drawing his x onto the board before felix could protest. seungmin rested his elbows on the counter, watching them play their game. he eventually glanced up to hyunjin, his cheeks heating up as he admired the boy's beauty. his raven-colored hair that fell so beautifully in front of his eyes, the cute beauty mark he had on his cheek, his plump lips. seungmin really believed that hyunjin was probably the most beautiful person he had ever seen.

seungmin was broken out of his trance as felix subtly poked his side, and when the brunet turned to look at him, he was met with a side-eye and a knowing grin.

whatever, felix, seungmin thought to himself, smiling and cheering for hyunjin as he won the game of tic-tac-toe, finally. he gave hyunjin a high-five, the thought of properly holding the boy's hand making him feel giddy inside.

felix sighed dramatically, collapsing over the counter (and their piece of notebook paper). he began some kind of speech about how his title of tic-tac-toe master would go to hyunjin now that he had beaten him, which seungmin ignored. he had sat through felix's dramatics far too many times before.

he allowed himself to zone out again, losing himself in his mind, cute thoughts about the kinds of dates he would like to take hyunjin on and the gifts he would buy for him flooding his mind. he smiled as he stared down at the counter, letting out a quiet sigh of contentment.

"you're here so often, you should just work here."

at felix's words, seungmin snapped back into reality, a look of shock forming on his face. why hadn't he thought of that before?! working with felix and hyunjin would be so much fun, and then he'd get to see the black-haired boy every day! seungmin's heart raced at the idea and he eagerly looked up to gauge hyunjin's reaction to felix's joke.

hyunjin bit his lower lip, quiet as he thought about it. an excited look passed over his face for a moment, and seungmin's hopes were high. after a moment, he smiled, shaking his head.

"i can't," he replied, seungmin's face falling at his response. "working with you guys would be a lot of fun, but i don't think my mom would want me to quit my job."

felix and seungmin nodded, understanding.

"where do you work?" seungmin asked curiously. hyunjin brought his hand up to fix his hair, running his fingers through the dark strands, making seungmin swoon.

"my mom owns a bookstore," he explained. "my whole family works there, pretty much."

seungmin, never having heard about hyunjin's place of work before, smiled at him. he was able to perfectly picture hyunjin working at a bookstore.

seungmin asked him which bookstore it was, hoping that maybe one day, he (and probably felix) would be able to surprise the boy while he was working. felix seemed to know seungmin's plan, as once hyunjin had told them the name of the store, the aussie casually asked where it was located and if it was the one he was thinking of. seungmin looked over to his coworker, smiling at him subtly.

the sound of the bell above the door caught everyone's attention, and before seungmin could do anything, he was being pushed away by felix.

"i'll take care of it!" felix exclaimed, pushing seungmin from behind the counter, smiling at him sweetly. seungmin watched as his eyes quickly glanced between him and hyunjin. he knew what felix was doing.

"okay, thanks," seungmin said, feeling his cheeks heat up as hyunjin brushed up against him after stepping away from the counter. as the customer approached, seungmin took his chance and took hold of hyunjin's hand, pulling him away from the front of the store. he made sure to walk in front of the boy, not wanting him to see the redness of his cheeks. he led hyunjin through the rows of flowers, eventually coming to a stop near the tulips.

seungmin turned to face hyunjin, a wave of happiness surging through him as he noticed that hyunjin, too, was red-cheeked. he gave seungmin his signature sunshine smile, making his heart weak.

hyunjin brought his hand near seungmin's face, quickly running his fingers through the brunet's hair. seungmin felt like he was going to die.

"sorry, your hair was messed up," hyunjin explained, and seungmin nodded. he took a second to once again admire the boy's face, finding him as beautiful as ever.

it was only then did he realize that he was still holding onto hyunjin's hand, as neither of them had pulled their hands away when they had stopped walking.

he decided that he liked holding hyunjin's hand. as the boy shyly began describing what working at the bookstore was like, seungmin's mind was racing, his heart telling him to risk it all and ask the boy out on a date right then and there, his brain telling him that that was a bad idea. he quietly took a deep breath, finally having worked up the courage to ask hyunjin out.

but before he could say anything, felix appeared from behind another row of flowers, startling both of them. hyunjin finally pulled away his hand, making seungmin frown.

"just thought i'd tell you that i just made probably the best arrangement you've ever seen," felix bragged, ignoring the murderous look that seungmin was giving him. "want to play tic-tac-toe again?"

seungmin silently cursed felix out, glaring at the back of his head as they walked back over to the counter. of course, the one time the aussie had decided to interrupt their conversation was the one time that seungmin was finally going to ask hyunjin out on a date.

hyunjin stayed for the rest of the day, the three of them having a good time together. seungmin and felix both enjoyed the boy's presence, glad that he always came into the shop to see them.

finally, closing time came and seungmin and felix grabbed their things from the employee break room. seungmin plucked an aster from the flower wall, handing the purple bloom to hyunjin, who smiled at him shyly, thanking him.

once they had all parted ways, seungmin sighed contently, sitting motionlessly in the driver's seat of his car as he thought. he had been so close to asking hyunjin on a date. seungmin wished that felix hadn't interrupted, but decided that it was probably for the best. he didn't know what he would do with himself if hyunjin rejected him.

maybe some other time, seungmin thought, putting the car in drive.

tulips, yellow ✔ → seungjinWhere stories live. Discover now