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𝒽𝒾𝒷𝒾𝓈𝒸𝓊𝓈: 𝒹𝑒𝓁𝒾𝒸𝒶𝓉𝑒 𝒷𝑒𝒶𝓊𝓉𝓎


ever since their first encounter, thoughts of hyunjin had haunted seungmin's mind. his voice, the way he walked, and most of all, his sunshine smile; these thoughts had only been fortified with their second encounter. seungmin could now say it confidently-- he was infatuated with the raven-haired boy and everything about him.

felix seemed to have read his mind as he waved a hand in front of his face suddenly, capturing his attention. seungmin looked up to meet his friend's eyes, a blush appearing on his face as he saw felix's knowing expression.

"don't even say anything," seungmin said, covering his face with his hands. he heard felix's low laugh.

"you're so cute," felix chuckled, making seungmin peek at him through his fingers. of all the words that could have come through his coworker's mouth, he hadn't expected them to be that.


felix shook his head, dismissing his previous words with a flick of his wrist.

"you should definitely ask him out or something."

seungmin grimaced, his whole body tensing as he thought about it.

"there's no way."

"so you'll give him flowers but you won't--"

"that's way different," seungmin said, cutting off felix before he could finish his sentence. it was true; even if he really, really wanted to, he didn't see himself asking the boy such a question, especially because of how shy he was. giving hyunjin flowers was already pushing it, but he would do it a million times if it meant seeing the bright look in his eyes.

he had done it again; his mind wandered back to hyunjin, suddenly wondering when (or if) he would see his flower boy once more. he didn't want to sound creepy or stalkerish, but he had noticed that hyunjin had visited on monday both of the times he came into the shop, and that day was a monday, so....

"hello? are you listening?" felix's amused voice interrupted his thoughts. "wow, you really are in love with this dude, huh."

"sorry," seungmin apologized, ignoring felix's comment. "could you say it again?"

"i said, if you don't ask hyunjin on a date i will."

seungmin stared at felix intently, trying to figure out if he was joking or not. his face didn't show it, but seungmin suddenly remembered something.

"no you won't," seungmin said with a smile, letting his face rest in the palm of his hand. "don't think i don't know about that boy you've been texting all last week."

the look on felix's face was priceless. his cheeks tinted red immediately and he stood from the folding chair.

"i don't know what you're talking about," he muttered, leaving the employee room as fast as he could, leaving seungmin to snicker to himself in victory. he had definitely won there.

he continued scrolling mindlessly through his social medias until he got bored, then shoved his phone into his pocket and picked up one of the watering cans, remembering that neither he nor felix had watered the flowers yet that day.

he walked up and down the aisles, pouring water into each of the flowerpots, smiling as he did so. he really liked his job, as he enjoyed being around nature and appreciated the beauty of the earth. he would often times go to the park or the lake when he wanted to relax. he loved being able to take a break from life, forgetting about his worries or anxieties, and simply existing in the beautiful world.

he thought that one day, he would want to take hyunjin with him to one of his places and they could simply exist together. but he knew and accepted that it was probably never going to happen, especially if he could never work up the courage to ask (which seemed very likely to him).

seungmin shook his head, as if shaking away his thoughts. he refused to let himself think negatively of his situation, and quickly corrected the thoughts he had had before.

i'll ask him one day, seungmin promised himself. he didn't know when that day would come, but he was okay with not knowing.

he hummed softly to himself as he worked, looking towards the door with hopeful eyes when he heard the gentle jingling of the bell. to his delight, hyunjin had entered the store, furthering his theory that the boy always visited on mondays.

he greeted the boy, offering him a warm smile.

"good morning," he said, feeling his heart race as hyunjin waved to him cutely. "lovely to see you again," seungmin added, praying that the boy wouldn't notice the redness of his cheeks as he spoke to him.

"everyone really loves your flowers," hyunjin said, pulling at the sleeves of his sweater. "my mom was so happy."

"i'm glad," seungmin replied, genuinely happy that his work was able to brighten the days of others (especially hyunjin and his family).

"i'm here for, um... hydrangeas?" hyunjin said, seungmin smiling at him as he mispronounced the name. seungmin nodded, setting down his watering can and motioning for the boy to follow him. he led him through the isles and to the shelf where the flowers rested, many different colors to pick from. hyunjin hesitated a moment before picking up a pot that contained blue hydrangeas in it.

seungmin then led him to the counter, trying his best to ignore the look felix was giving him. his coworker quickly composed himself, ringing up the flowers that hyunjin brought to the counter. seungmin quickly slid past felix, standing beside him behind the counter. he had already been thinking about what flower he would give hyunjin that day, so as soon as he spotted the beautiful white blossom of the hibiscus, he pulled it from the flower wall.

he waited for hyunjin to be done paying for the hydrangeas he had picked out and then handed him the hibiscus, subtly stepping on felix's foot as hard as he could when he heard the quiet 'oh my god' come from his coworker's mouth.

hyunjin smiled at him brightly, taking the flower from him and admiring it. seungmin watched the boy,

"thank you," hyunjin said softly, eyes flickering up to meet seungmin's.

"you're welcome," seungmin replied, feeling his heart start to beat out of his chest just as it usually did when talking with hyunjin. he briefly wondered if hyunjin was experiencing the same feeling, if hyunjin thought about him as much as he thought of him.

they waved goodbye and hyunjin left, felix immediately turning to roll his eyes at seungmin.

"wow, right in front of my salad?"

"no one says that anymore," seungmin shook his head at felix, the smile never leaving his face as he gently pushed past him, retreating to the employee room.

seungmin thought that the hibiscus was beautiful, but not as beautiful as hyunjin.

tulips, yellow ✔ → seungjinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora