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𝓇𝑒𝒹 𝓈𝒶𝓁𝓋𝒾𝒶: 𝒻𝑜𝓇𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇 𝓂𝒾𝓃𝑒

 𝒷𝓁𝓊𝑒 𝓈𝒶𝓁𝒾𝓋𝒶: 𝒾 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝓀 𝑜𝒻 𝓎𝑜𝓊


"hyunjin is so beautiful. don't you think?"

felix sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"yes, seungmin."

"he's like, so beautiful. it's not even fair at this point."

seungmin rested his elbows on the flower shop counter, leaning over the surface, his hands under his chin. he stared off into space dreamily, his mind racing with thoughts about the black-haired boy who came into the store every monday. he had missed out on seeing him the previous week, as he had been sick, so he was extremely excited for hyunjin to come in that day, and it showed. felix had only made fun of him for it three times so far, though.

it wasn't his fault that hyunjin was so... perfect. not just in looks, either; the black-haired boy had a beautiful personality, too, and seungmin could talk to him for literal hours. he was just so pure, so sweet, so selfless, and who could forget his beautiful smile that shone brighter than the sun itself? seungmin was definitely whipped for hyunjin, except hyunjin didn't know it.

seungmin went about his day, head snapping up to look at the door whenever the bell above it jingled, signalling that someone had entered. he would then pretend to not be disappointed when he found that it wasn't hyunjin, helping the customer to the best of his abilities (which, most of the time, was just ringing up the flowers they'd brought to the counter). he hadn't yet made a bouquet or arrangement that day and was itching to do so. arranging was his favorite part of his job.

after standing at the counter for maybe thirty minutes with no customers, seungmin walked around to the employee break room, where felix already was. seungmin took a seat in one of the folding chairs, offering the aussie a smile. felix rolled his eyes at him, but smiled back.

"he's coming in today, right?" seungmin asked, biting the inside of his lip. he glanced down to his phone to check the time, frowning as he saw it was becoming late. felix shrugged, but when he saw seungmin's expression fall even further, he hurried to correct himself.

"he probably will," felix reassured. "why wouldn't he? he has every week for like, a month."

seungmin nodded. felix was right; hyunjin had indeed come into the store every monday, without fail. he felt as if he should stop worrying about it, but couldn't help it. there were two hours until closing and the black-haired boy hadn't yet entered the store.

seungmin stood from his chair, deciding that he would water the flowers again. he had already that morning, but thought that a little more water wouldn't hurt. he picked up the watering can and headed back into the store. he walked up and down the rows of shelves, pouring small amounts of water into each of the flower pots. once he had finished, he walked outside, filling up the can before bringing it back to the employee break room. he set the watering can back down where he had gotten it from. felix was still sitting in his folding chair, mindlessly scrolling twitter.

the sweet sound of the bell above the door jingling filled their ears, and seungmin dashed into the store, a wide smile forming on his face as he saw hyunjin. the raven-haired boy smiled back at him, approaching the counter that seungmin had moved to stand behind.

"you're back!" hyunjin exclaimed, and seungmin's cheeks flushed and he nodded shyly. "i missed you!"

at this, seungmin's heart began to race even faster than it previously was. hyunjin had missed him?

stop being ridiculous, seungmin, the brunet thought to himself. seungmin didn't much time to think about hyunjin's words, as the black-haired boy had begun explaining that he wanted an arrangement made. seungmin hurried to shake away his previous thoughts, turning his full attention to hyunjin's request.

"i was thinking yellow, this time?" hyunjin finished, and seungmin nodded. he hadn't caught the first part of his request, but at least he knew what color to use. he turned to the flower wall, pout forming on his face as he searched for the perfect flowers to use. he reached for some sunflowers and some daffodils, placing them in one of the vases that had been set aside for arrangements. he moved the vase to the counter in front of hyunjin. the boy admired the flowers.

seungmin turned around again, this time pulling a few white flowers and some greens to go with them, adding them into the vase with the sunflowers and daffodils. he frowned, turning the vase and adjusting the positioning of some of the stems, trying his best to make the arrangement look as beautiful as he possibly could. he hadn't heard who the arrangement was for, but was determined to make whoever had requested it happy with his work. hyunjin kept his eyes on seungmin's hands, watching closely as he worked, fascinated with the way the brunet worked.

once seungmin had finished, he looked up, giving hyunjin a firm nod.

"all finished!" he exclaimed. "if you like it, anyway. i can fix it if you need me to."

hyunjin vigorously shook his head, turning the vase so that he could view the arrangement from different angles.

"it's so pretty," he said, glancing up to meet seungmin's eyes. "it'll brighten up my apartment, for sure."

a slight shock washed over seungmin, but he quickly composed himself. he hadn't even known that he was making an arrangement specifically for hyunjin. his cheeks flushed red and he kicked his feet lightly against the floor. he was secretly happy that he hadn't known that it was for hyunjin; he probably would've been nervous the whole time and accidentally messed something up.

"thank you so much," hyunjin said, beaming at seungmin with that sunshine smile of his.

"no, thank you for being such a loyal customer!" seungmin replied, pretending that he hadn't heard felix's laughter (probably at his words) coming from the back room.

seungmin, as he always did, turned back to the flower wall, scanning for the correct bloom. he knew exactly which ones he would give to hyunjin that time.

he reached for two salvias, one red and one blue. he handed them to hyunjin, his heart skipping a beat as their fingers brushed.

hyunjin thanked him again shyly. he hesitated at the counter, looking as if he wanted to say something, but didn't. he instead, after paying, picked up his vase of flowers and said goodbye to seungmin, making his way out of the store. seungmin, once hyunjin had left, headed into the back room, collapsing into his folding chair. he sighed dreamily, felix rolling his eyes at him again.

"i gave him salvia this time," seungmin said and felix stared at him blankly.

"i think you're ridiculous."

this, of course, sparked yet another argument between the two as felix desperately tried his best to convince seungmin to ask hyunjin out on a date, which seungmin refused.

"i'm going to ask him for you," felix said, and seungmin laughed at him, but was unable to detect if the aussie was joking or not.

tulips, yellow ✔ → seungjinWhere stories live. Discover now