𝕨𝕙𝕚𝕥𝕖 𝕔𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖𝕣

201 17 0

𝓌𝒽𝒾𝓉𝑒 𝒸𝓁𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓇: 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝓀 𝑜𝒻 𝓂𝑒


it was a beautiful bright and sunny morning; a morning that seungmin would have preferred to have spent sleeping in his bed at home rather than at the flower shop. it was his and felix's turn to do restock that day, and in turn, had to head into work an hour early so that they could be at least near done by the time the store opened.

seungmin sighed, walking up to the front doors of the store and pulling on them, reaching into his pocket for the key when he found that they hadn't been unlocked yet, meaning that felix hadn't yet arrived. he unlocked the door and stepped inside, immediately making his way towards the employee room so that he could drop off the few things he had brought with him.

he took a seat in one of the chairs, waiting for either feilx to show up or for the restock truck to show up so that he could start without his coworker. after around maybe five minutes of waiting, the bell above the door jingled, signalling to him that felix had arrived. seungmin stood from his chair, leaving the employee room, going to meet his friend, smile on his face.

"good morning," he said, and felix gave him a half-hearted smile back. it was clear that the aussie hadn't gotten much sleep, based on the dark purple circles under his eyes.

"morning," felix said back, sluggishly making his way further into the shop. seungmin followed behind him.


the blond looked at him over his shoulder, giving him a look, before returning to what he was doing.

"wish restock wasn't today." felix sighed, dropping his stuff on the ground next to seungmin's. "had a long night last night..."

seungmin smiled at him, laughing quietly at the way his voice sounded. it was somehow deeper than it usually was and his words were slurred together. seungmin briefly wondered if he had literally just woken up, deciding that his assumption was probably correct after felix completely froze for a second, letting his face rest in his hands. after a moment felix sighed, clapping his hands together suddenly, startling seungmin.

"the truck will be here soon, we should head outside."

seungmin nodded. he flicked the light switch, turning off the employee room lights. together, he and felix left the shop, stepping onto the cement pavement of the sidewalk.

as it turned out, the truck was running late that day, because the two stood outside for a good thirty minutes before the large white flower truck finally appeared, backing slowly into the area beside the flower shop.

once it had come to a full stop, the driver climbed down and greeted felix and seungmin, apologizing for arriving so late. he opened the doors to the back of the truck and felix and seungmin stepped inside, sighing at the amount of work they had to complete.

"let's get started, then," seungmin said, grabbing a flower from the shelf, adjusting his grip on the pot before making his way into the store. he cursed lightly to himself as he realized that they hadn't propped open the door. he awkwardly moved the pot so that he was holding with one hand and he opened the door, keeping it open for felix, who was close behind him. the blond murmured a 'thanks' and hurried inside. seungmin followed after, setting his flower down in its place on one of the shelves, before heading back outside. He made sure to prop open the door with the cinder block that was on the sidewalk outside.

they made many trips, carrying the flowers from the truck into the store. seungmin sighed, wiping his hands on his shirt. felix took a deep breath, leaning against the doorframe.

"i think we're officially open." he said, wiping the sweat from his forehead. seungmin frowned.

"but we're not done yet," he said, and felix nodded, pursing his lips.

"if the truck hadn't been late..." he muttered, whirling around, returning to the truck so that he could continue to work. seungmin sighed again, following him. it would probably be okay; they didn't typically get customers that early in the morning, anyway, and if they did happen to get one, either felix or him would have to take care of it.

maybe fifteen minutes had passed and the flower shop employees had almost finished their restock. seungmin entered the truck once again, grabbing another flower pot mindlessly. he made his way across the pavement, staring at the ground as he walked.

"oh, good morning hyunjin!" felix called loudly. seungmin's head snapped up at the boy's name, smile forming on his face immediately as he saw the black-haired boy whom he had developed a little crush on.

"good morning hyunjin, you're here early!" seungmin said, feeling his heart flutter as hyunjin gave him the sunshine smile that he loved.

"yep! thought i'd come early today," hyunjin said. "hey, can i help with that?"

"oh my god, i love you," felix said, making hyunjin laugh. he brought his hand up to his face, covering his mouth. seungmin thought he was adorable.

"we only have a handful of flowers left, but it would help a lot." felix explained, gesturing to the truck. hyunjin nodded.

"i don't know where they go, though," hyunjin said, frowning.

"well," seungmin piped up. "you can carry them to the doorway and i'll put them away. like a relay!"

"okay, got it!"

hyunjin headed off towards the truck, seungmin smiling after him. felix rolled his eyes at the brown-haired boy. hyunjin soon returned with a large flowerpot in his hands, giving it to seungmin so that he could put it on the correct shelf. his heartbeat accelerated out of his chest as his fingertips brushed against hyunjin's. his cheeks flushed and he turned away quickly.

with hyunjin's help, they were able to move even faster and in no time, the three of them had finally finished the monday morning restock.

"good job, everyone!" felix cheered, giving high-fives to both seungmin and hyunjin. they had gone inside, felix leaning over the counter, still slightly out of breath from moving the many heavy flower pots.

"oh!" seungmin exclaimed, whirling around to face the flower wall, plucking a white clover from its place. he turned, reaching out to give the flower to hyunjin.

"thanks for helping us," he said shyly, feeling the butterflies stir in his stomach as hyunjin gave him that beautiful sunshine smile again. he took the stem from seungmin, holding it carefully between his fingers. felix opened his mouth to say something and seungmin gave him an extra hard stomp on the foot, making the blond curse quietly.

hyunjin thanked him, and seungmin swore that his heart was going to beat out of his chest. he smiled at him, silently hoping that hyunjin's heart was going as crazy as his was.

tulips, yellow ✔ → seungjinDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora