Rat's on a Train

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Juliet's POV

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Juliet's POV

"come on, Jules! Keep up" Katie yells as we run through the woods.

If you were wondering why we are running, we were hanging out with some kids from another school and they dared us to go and steal food from a convenient store. Now Katie and I couldn't wuss out and say no, so we did what they said. As we ran out the door the owner got a gun and started shooting at us. As we ran I covered Katie from getting hurt and we ended up in the woods about a mile away from the store.

"I think we're okay" I stop in my tracks looking around, "but I think we're lost"

"How do we get out?" Katie asked me.

"I have no idea" I sighed, annoyed.

After walking for about 30 minutes, I got a text from Leo saying he was going on a mission with the rats. I had no idea what he meant, but I knew we had to get home.

"Over here!" Katie yelled to me pointing to an open spot in the woods.

"Thank god. Remind me not to hang out with those bitches again" I sighed angerly.

"We only stay with them to smoke and drink" Katie said slurring a bit.

I totally forgot she was drunk. I had such a high tolerance. Katie, however, did not.

With our luck the open spot in the woods led to the backyard of the huge mansion Katie lived in.

"Ill bring you to bed" I told Katie, grabbing onto her and rushing her inside knowing that I needed to get to the lab.

"Ill text you tomorrow" I tell Katie as I closed her bedroom door and started sprinting to the house.

After about 10 minutes of sprinting I reached the Davenport mansion. Katie's house was only a couple blocks away. We both live in the 'rich' side of town.

I run down to the lab and see Davenport packing stuff in a bag.

"What's happening?" I ask him.

"I'm going to get Leo" Davenport says quickly.

"He told me he was on a mission" 

"He snuck into the mission. and-and why do you smell like alcohol" he said sniffing my coat.

"Thats not whats important. We need to get Leo." I tell him as I take my coat off and spray one of Bree's perfumes on my to dilute the smell.

"We are taking my high speed helicopter" Davenport says motioning for me to follow him.

We both get in the helicopter and we were on our way.

"where were you?" Davenport questioned me.

"With Katie. So what is the mission" I answer.

"My high speed train is speeding out of control with nuclonium in it, heading towards the town of Welkerville and Leo hid in the supply bag and took out the one thing they needed to stop the train" Davenport explained.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2020 ⏰

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