Chapter 11

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Josephine sighs as her eyes dance about the spacious front room. It was crowded with people and instruments. The musicians played boisterously getting the woman to grab their husbands and dance about the wooden floor. Joe shifts to her other foot, crossing her arms angrily. Her face pulls downwards into an unamused and bored expression. Movement out of the corner of her eyes draws her attention to her left. James was making his way through the crowd towards her. Her shoulders tense, as her fingers claw into her flesh. He approaches her, standing behind her.

"Josephine?" He questions quietly.

Josephine ignores him, turning her head away. James sighs rubbing at his forehead. He lowers his hand, standing himself erect and clasps his hands behind his back. Josephine glances over her shoulder at him. He held his head high, watching as people moved about the room. She could hear him pleasantly greet some as they walked by, but he would not budge from his spot.

"Josephine. I'm sorry about this afternoon." He humbly apologizes. "But you have it all wrong. You wouldn't even let me explain."

Joe turns, a thunderous look upon her features, "I have it all wrong? You were following me."

"I was not following you, Josephine." He seethes, leaning close. "Well, I mean I was. But it wasn't what you think."

"Wasn't what I think? Well, then, tell me James what did I think?"

"You think The Governor sent me to spy on you." He offers.

"The fact that you can spit that out so easily says you knew that is exactly what I would think when I saw you sneaking around."

James huffs, "It's a good thing I was sneaking around, and I found you when I did. If anything, you should be thanking me."

"Thanking you?" Josephine shutters in disbelief. "Do not patronize me, James."

"Yes, if I had not shown up you would have been a victim of that man!" He protests, jabbing a finger at her.

"Oh yes, well thank you for that. That makes all the difference and makes the spying that much better James." Josephine sasses.

James sighs, "Josephine. I did not follow you. I came to the house looking for you to see if you wanted to come with me for a pleasant afternoon walk. But when I came one of the servants informed me that you had already left. When I asked where, they said they could not say but you had a fondness for sneaking off to the docks without The Governor knowing. I naturally, came to the docks looking for you."

"And then you decided to sneak around instead of pronouncing your presence?"

"No. Will you get off that notion already?" James seethes raising his voice a bit. He sighs heavily, lowering it to a harsh whisper. "I was still looking for you when I stumbled upon you and that man. I simply observed what was going on before I got involved."

"You observed? What did you," Joe's face falls, as a fire blazed in her eyes. "So that is how you feel then? You thought I went down to the docks to whore myself out?"

"No! That is not it at all, you are twisting my words." James accuses. "I simply wanted to observe you and see what you were going to do. You're not like other woman Josephine."

Joe snorts, "You got that right."

"Actually, I came looking for you because I wanted to ask you something."


"I wanted to talk to you about allowing me to court you properly." James stutters out.

"James, that is a bad idea."

"And why is it such?"

"Because of who I am."

"I know exactly who and what you are Josephine Carter. You are going to have to learn to come close to people in this town. You are one of us now after all."

"I wouldn't label me as one of you. I am a"

"Look Josephine." James sharply cuts her off. "That is what you were, you are no longer such as you are living here with the Governor. I have been told enough of what I need to know. The rest can be learned along the way. Just give me a chance will yeah?"

Josephine lets out a shaky breath. She raises her eyes to meet his gaze. The light brown eyes stare intensely at her. She was torn. A part of her wanted to tell him no and to leave her alone, the other part. Well, the other very small portion says to give him a chance. Her grandfather's words from earlier still rings loudly in her ears. No one is coming to rescue you. And then James speaks of her being one of them, one of the townspeople. Her gaze drifts downwards, her hands fiddling with the necklace around her neck. Could she really be happy here? She asks herself. She sighs, dropping her hand.

"James, you deserve better. I cannot be that perfect picture wife you want." Josephine whispers sadly.

"Who said anything about being perfect?" He asks, snapping Joe's widen eyes up to face his. He smiles, placing a gentle hand on her jaw. "I'm not looking for perfection Josephine. No, you are not a proper English woman. But that can be taught and learned over time. I just." James pauses, swallowing hard. "I just want to be with you."

"James." Josephine breathes in wonder.

Josephine's breath catches in her throat as she searches James' face. He smiles brightly at her, rubbing his fingers over her jawline. Joe's eyes drift downward her mind wondering back to her father. You could have everything. You could build a life for yourself here. He had uttered. At the time she had thought it to be folly, unfair to her and her wants. But. . . Joe shakes her head. A gentle knuckle taps her chin, forcing her to lift her eyes upwards. The deep blue irises meet light brown ones. They sparkle and dance within the candlelight. Joe finds herself getting swept away in the gaze. She bites her lower lip, taking James' hand in hers. She stands there, rubbing her thumb over the rough skin.

"Alright." She concedes.

"Alright? You're agreeing then?" He asks in disbelief.

"Yes. But we are going to take things slow, James. We are not to be wed six months from now are we clear?"

"Yes! Yes, of course. We will take things slow Josephine, I promise." He says beaming brightly.

Josephine smiles at his excitement. She lowers her eyes slyly, staring out across the room. James moves to stand in-front of her. He bows slightly, taking off his hat. Joe watches as his long blonde hair falls over his shoulder as he raises back to his full height. He raises his arm, offering her his elbow.

"With that settled, may I have this dance?"

"Yes, you may." Joe smiles. 

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