Chapter 49

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John plants his feet firmly into the decking. He peers through the glass, staring at the shadows wondering about the deck of the bulky first-rate. The day had long settled into dark, and they were none the better. The Governor maintained a pace of several leagues, keeping her stencils drawn taunt. He had yet to formulate a decent plan to save Joe and the lack of results were gnawing at his insides. The captain chews at his bottom lip, sighing heavily. He lowers the glass, glancing up into the endless rigging of The Wicked Mary.

"You still up there, Mr. Wickman?" John inquires.

"Aye captain. I would not dare allow someone to lose that ship." Wickman calls down.

"Good lad." John praises. "Tell me, Mr. Wickman, has there been any change?"

"None, sir. Steady as ever."

"Damn. She has not deviated since we parted early in the morn?"

"No sir."

John exhales heavily, sagging his shoulders. He massages at his brow, steadily pacing the quarterdeck. What can he do? He ponders. John makes another sweep, pausing at the taff-railing. He leans his weight into the railing, peering at the swinging orange ball in the blackness. An aggressive growl bubbles from his throat, slamming his fist on the gunwale.

"Damn!" John murmurs across the waters.

"Bad news?" Burnt questions.

John snaps his head about, zeroing in on the battle chief not far off his flank. Burnt Hayden stands tall, arms crossed over the massive chest. He glimpses out over the water before focusing back on John. John follows his gaze, huffing irritably out of his nose.

"Unfortunately, yes. It appears that the good commodore intends to run straight through." John growls.

The deep green eyes turn to his old friend, scanning his face. Burnt stares out over the water, giving the blackness his full attention.

"I doubt he is not unaware of our presence. I feel as if he is anticipating my every thought." John grouses.

"He is intelligent, even if he is a cocky, deluded bastard." Burnt grunts.

John sighs, pulling at the back of his neck and shoulder. He turns away from his old friend, leaning against the gunwale. His head drops between his arms, groaning miserably with the pull against his muscles. Burnt approaches settling himself next to John. John raises his head, gazing at the first-rate.

"I am screwed either way, Hayden." John comments quietly. "We cannot risk seizing and boarding her."

"For fear there is no way to know the amount of fire power she carries. Or the many soldiers that lie in wait for such an attack." Burnt interjects.

"Aye. We would find ourselves in a blood bath if they have far more than we anticipate."

"Sneak aboard maybe?"

"I am not overconfident in that option either." John exasperates, throwing up his hands as he turns about. "I fear that any that goes across will not return. Not to add that to board her silently we need her to stop in her high pursuit to Port Adscene. I am tempted to just take a shore boat and."

"Captain, if I may be blunt." Burnt halts his thoughts.

"Of course, Hayden."

"You have a duty to your niece sir. A duty to the Queen of Pirates. But you also have a duty to this crew. If the party is discovered and a fire fight ensues, we need your strong leadership here."

John smirks, lowering his gaze, "Aye. Hence why I am not comfortable with a stealth boarding. The possibility of them being harmed is far too great."

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