Chapter 10

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Joe startles as a soft knock echo in the room. She snaps her head up, the blue eyes gazing around the room a little dumbfounded. How long has she been sitting here? She thinks, furrowing down her brow. Her eyes flick over to the bay window. The sun was beginning to set. Another soft rap brought Joe's mind back to reality.

"Miss. Carter?" A soft voice questions through the door.

Joe sighs, resting her head in her hand. The voice was soft and quiet, a woman's voice. It must be one of the maids coming to help Josephine get ready for the party. Joe crinkles her nose. She had no desire to move from her spot, let alone allow someone to poke and prod her into a dress. The handle to the door jiggles a little, alerting her that the maid was still there.

"Who is it?" Joe asks in a raspy voice.

"It's me, Ananda, Miss. Carter. I was sent up to help get you ready for the dinner party."

Josephine groans at the pronouncement. A part of her just wanted to shout at the maid to go away that she was not going to dinner. But the logical side of her brain said that it just wasn't a wise thing to shout. The maids were stubborn, not leaving until they completed their task. And if Josephine put up a fuss and refused to allow them to carry out their duties, they would go find Smithen leading to all-out war between her and her grandfather. Joe sighs, running her fingers through her hair. She just did not have the energy for that battle. Another sigh finds its way out as Joe pushes herself to her feet. She scrubs at her face, wiping the tear stains off her redden cheeks. Her hands smooth out the wrinkles within her skirt. She straightens her back, taking in a deep breath.

"You can come in." She offers, stepping away from the door.

Ananda slowly pushes the door open. She allows herself a small enough space to step into the room before turning to shut it. She raises her head, smiling brightly at Josephine.

"Hello Miss. Carter." She greets warmly.

"How many times must I tell you, Ana. Please call me Joey." Joe says with a weak smile.

Ananda smiles shyly, lowering her eyes to the floor, "I am truly sorry Miss. It is not customary for a servant to address the masters of the home so formally."

"I am not your master Ana. So, there is no need to be so formal. You can even call me Carter if you would like."

Ananda smiles, raising her eyes to meet Joe's. Joe sighs, massaging her temples, as she can see that the young woman has no intention of doing either. Joe drops her hand, watching as Ananda moves over to her desk and mirror on the far side of the room. She pulls out the seat, once again flashing that warm smile at Joe.

"Come sit down. Let's get your hair done Miss."

Josephine lets out a heavy breath. There was no reason to expend energy to try to fight it. Joe drags her feet as she moves towards the area. She sits down heavily in the chair. The maid pats her shoulder, giving it a tight squeeze before working on unbraiding her hair. She reaches around, grabbing the sterling silver brush off the tabletop and running it through her hair. After that task was accomplished, she went about the tedious task of shaping the hair into something decent. Joe sighs heavily as the maid pulled on her hair trying to get it up into a fashionable bun. She stares at herself in the mirror, noting the tired look to her eyes. She was worn out, tired of playing these games. Maybe her grandfather was right; maybe she should give up the hope that someone was coming to rescue her.


It would take several hours for Ananda to do Joe's hair, makeup and then tape her into a dress. Joe pushes on her ribcage as the corset digs painfully into her sides. She straightens her back, squirming in the chair as she tries to find a more comfortable position. Joe settles back, a heavy sigh pushing past her lips. A boisterous laughter fills the room directing Joe's attention to the head of the table. Her grandfather talks happily, gesturing and playing about with the General that say next to him. Josephine rolls her eyes at the scene, trying her best not to allow her anger to rise. She settles herself down, allowing her eyes dart around the table filled with military men and their wives. They all chatted and laughed about freely. Josephine must stop herself from scoffing. She breathes in deeply. Her eyes landing on James. He sits across the table and down two seats. He eyes her constantly as he brings his drink up to his lips. Josephine rolls her eyes, turning her head away from the man. She would be lying if she said that she was still not angry over his words and actions today at the docks. She grips her glass a little tighter as she closes her eyes in a desperate attempt to calm her nerves.

"Well!" Smithen states. He rises to his feet, clapping his hands to get everyone's attention. "Let's move to the ballroom, shall we gentlemen? Then maybe you can convince your wives into dancing with you."

"Especially now that they're full of drink." Joe snips quietly.

"Josephine." Smithen corrects, hearing her words.

Joe sighs, taking another drink from her cup. Smithen eyes her for another second before pushing his chair back. Josephine's blue eyes follow as he walks down the table to her chair. He grabs the back of it, gently pulling it out. Josephine watches as all the men stand along with her. She pauses as Smithen grabs at the back of her arm. He pulls her a little closer being sure not to draw too much attention.

"Be nice." He hisses in her ear.

"That's particularly difficult considering the company." Joe whispers harshly.

"Josephine." Smithen warns. "I'd advise you to be lady like for the rest of the evening and keep that mouth of yours shut or face the consequences afterwards."

Joe huffs, glaring at him out of the corner of her eye. He harshly pinches her arm as a warning. Josephine pinches her lips together, not willing to give him the satisfaction of hearing her yelp. Smithen straightens himself up stepping away from the chair. Joe eyes him, stepping out from behind the table. Smithen plasters a smile on his wrinkled features, offering his hand to Joe. The blue eyes drift down to it, rising a second later. He nods his head towards the hand, his eyes igniting with irritation. Joe smirks. She raises her head high, picking up her dress as she walks off towards the ballroom.

"Please, let us continue our merriment in the other room." Smithen says not being able to keep the clipped tone from showing.

Josephine pauses on the other side of thearchway. She glances at the uncomfortable men and woman as they walked by her.Smithen exits last, stopping to glare at Josephine. Joe keeps his gaze notwavering in the slightest. Smithen takes a step towards her, opening his mouthto say something. The threat dies on his tongue as Josephine's stare hardens. Hestraightens, sighing heavily. He raises his head high continuing his way to theseparate spacious room. Josephine smiles smugly, crossing her arms comfortablyover her chest. Round one won for Josephine. She thinks proudly

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