Chapter one - The Start

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Eyyyy Henlo there
This is basically a bunch of corruption aus rolled into one but I tried to make it sort of original OvO
Also that pic is a random thing I found it just went with this chapter lol


~ Zak/Skeppy POV ~

Right now it was raining outside.

Usually rain makes me feel cozy in the space I'm in and it calms me. Right now it only made me feel even more sad than I already was.

Recently my girlfriend that I was with for only two months broke up with me. A break up usually wouldn't mess with me that much, but the reason was the most stupid thing I've ever heard of.
Just didn't work out?
It was all because of one hater on Twitter.
(Flash back time OwO)
It's been almost two months since I've been with Monika. (I'm sorry I couldn't think of any other name qwq) Right now I was live streaming and planning to reveal that I had a girlfriend. I kinda wanted to make it dramatic because I never really liked to talk about my love life to people that weren't my friends.

The chat went absolutely crazy! Everyone started spamming congrats and how there ships died. I didn't have my facecam on because I wanted to respect my girlfriend's privacy. This was probably the best relationship I've ever been in we both loved each other a lot and she didn't even know I was famous until I told her! It was the most perfect thing in my life, even everyone that I was close to supported it.

I decided to end the stream and remembered that she said something about wishing for more followers on Twitter. I grinned and said
"Before I end the stream I want to say to follow my girlfriend on Twitter at-" I told them her Twitter and ended the stream. I saw Monika look over at me slightly red.
"Zak! You didn't have to do that!" She said and playfully punched my arm.
"Well you said you wanted more followers and your deserve the-" I replied but was cut off by our lips connecting.

Pulling our lips away from each other I held her in a tight embrace.
"I love you" I whispered in her ear.
"Love you too Zak" she whispered back.
That was only the start of the downfall of my best relationship ever. She never really met too many of my friends being that we would spend all our time with each other. It also didn't help that my closest friends were over the internet.
(Flashback time again)
Monika sent me a text to meet her at her house it was sudden and it sounded serious. I rushed over to her house and stood on her front porch step. I rang the doorbell and saw her come to the door with a frown on her face.
"Is everything ok!?" I asked sounding worried on what happened. She hesitated and looked around trying not to make eye contact with me.
"Well.. No." she said and looked at me cold. She stepped out of the way of the door and I walked inside. I leaned in to embrace or comfort her but she recoiled. My face fell
"Did-did I do something wrong?!" I said starting to worry.
"What's happening?" I asked hoping it was not what it seemed.

She pulled her phone from her pocket and unlocked it. I nervously ran my fingers through my hair and she started scrolling through something. She turned her phone towards me and I immediately recognized the colors of Twitter. It was the start of messages and I saw the message to start the conversation.

"Do you know what Skephalo is?"

My face went pale as I said
"No..." She had serious look on her face and scrolled through the messages. Video after video of clips of me messing with BadBoyHalo. Calling him cute, saying for him to kiss me...
"He's my friend I mess with him! I swear it's not what you think." Her face didn't change as I pleaded. She lowered her phone and looked me in the eyes.
"Zak..." I felt tears prick the corners of my eyes.
"No." My voice was breaking as I said it.
"I'm sorry... it's just-" I cut her off my leaving the house and walking towards my car.
That was how the relationship that was perfect crumbled to dust.

All because of a hater. All because of my fame. All because I wanted her to be happy with Twitter followers.

I wanted to blame Monika or the hater so bad but I felt like it was all my fault. I did advertise her social media... but the hater sent her the videos and she did believe it. I don't know...

I was sitting on the floor of my bedroom in front of the giant window that makes up about one wall of the room. The sky was dark and the buildings were barely visible in the distance. My legs were pressed up against my chest and my arms folded around them. My chin resting on top of my knees making myself curled up into a protective ball.

I didn't know what to do with myself. Do I cry? Do I go back to normal and get over it? Do I take a break from YouTube? Questions about what to do with myself flooded my head and I felt tears slowly form. I tried to push them down, but it only made it worse.

Tears flowed and I wanted her to be mine again. I loved her with all my heart and someone just had to ruin it. I know people say to not dwell on the bad things in life... But it's so hard no to. All I can think about is how much I want the hater to drop dead, and how much I want Monika back.

I banged my head lightly on the wall behind me to get myself focused. I took a deep breath in and let it back out. I calmed myself a little and looked back out at the depressing rain. Why does something bad happen as soon as something nice does?


Hope you enjoyed the first chapter :D
Also I wouldn't worry I don't just write Skeppy focused books I have many more planned :)

Feel free to dm me whenever to talk

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