12. Maria Acton

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A startled yelp came out of Autumn's mouth as she stared at the old, frail, white haired woman in front of her. The frown on her already wrinkled face added more to her age by appearance. Apprehensively, she looked at the bedraggled girl standing at her doorstep.
"Can I help you?" The old woman asked in a weak voice. Her figure was half hiding behind the door which was open just to let enough light inside. Autumn couldn't properly see anything inside as the cabin was plunged into darkness.

"I-I-Do you live here?" Autumn couldn't help but blurt out. She scolded herself and was about to apologise to the old woman when she spoke up.

"Yes, I do. I have been for some time. Who are you?"

"I'm Autumn O'Neil. I'm sorry if I'm intruding or anything but can I ask you some questions? If you don't mind?"

The old woman looked reluctant before she asked, "What is that you wish to ask?"

"It's about an old mansion some distance from here. You see, my friends and I came to explore it but a lot of things have been happening and I-I don't know what to do and where to go. This cabin is by far the only other place I've stumbled upon and I just wanted to know if you knew something about that haunted place. I just want my friends to be fine so we could go back home. The only- "

Autumn's rambling was cut off by the woman who looked horrified. She suddenly ushered her inside and then closed the door behind her fragile frame.

Autumn looked around the weather beaten cabin and noticed some candles lit up in different places. Their light illuminated the cabin slightly and made it possible for Autumn to see the interior more clearly. There was not much inside to begin with. There was an old couch and table in the middle of the place with a shelf pushed up against the wall. The small kitchenette smelled like old, spoiled food. There were two doors inside that led to the extended areas of the cabin.

By now the sun had come up more which helped in lighting up the room more as it's light entered the cabin from broken windows. Autumn could not believe how a person could live in a place like this, but she kept herself from questioning the woman's sanity.

"Have a seat, please," The woman said politely.

Autumn did as told and cringed when the couch groaned under her weight. She put a smile on her face and looked at the woman who was dragging an armchair. The aged woman sat on the chair in front of Autumn and then looked at her with concern evident on her face.

"I've known that place as long as I've lived. It is so old and hold a lot of memories for me and- "

"Wait! You know that place? You've lived there?" Autumn asked.

The woman nodded her head with a sad smile.

"It used to be a big town back in the days. That mansion was admired by everyone that resided in the town. Terrible things then happened and sent everyone running out of the town. Only a few stayed back at first, but eventually, they left as well. I was one of those who stayed back. Years later I moved to just the edge of the town because I neither wanted to stay, nor leave. Say, what are the things you speak of that happened in that house with you and your friends?"

Autumn took a long gulp of stale air and then confided in the old woman who was a complete stranger to her. She told the woman about almost every single thing. She didn’t feel like revealing the information about the will or the diaries and keys to a complete stranger. At the moment, she only needed answers that would get her back to her friends.

Throughout the whole story, the woman listened attentively and nodded from time to time. The frown between her brows deepened. Once Autumn was finished with her tale, she looked expectantly at the woman who sat in silence. Her expression was filled with worry as she looked at the young girl sitting on her couch. Finally, after some agonizing moments of complete silence, she spoke up.

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