16. Déjà vu

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Bringing herself back from the past, Autumn walked forward and stopped in front of a certain door. She took a deep breath in and opened the door. With only a foot in the room, she could already hear the muffled crying and whimpering of a little child.

After closing the door shut behind her, Autumn had only walked a couple of steps inside when she heard another scream followed by multiple gunshots. Autumn jumped and shook even more when shattering of glass echoed around the place. Her nerves took a moment to calm down and her breathing trembled. Her ears kept ringing from the screams and gunshots that ricocheted around the whole house and she couldn't make them go no matter how hard she tried. She was sure that they would haunt her forever in the form of deadly nightmares.

Once she had gained her composure, she walked over to the closet at the end of the room and gripped the handles before yanking the door open. She didn't know what she was expecting to see inside. Maybe a four year old Talia or maybe nothing. What she wasn't prepared to see was her twenty-five year old unconscious sister cramped up inside the wardrobe.


The name was barely audible on her lips. She was shocked and in a daze.

Autumn slowly crouched down and held her hand out in her sister's direction. She raised it and touched her face with so much delicacy, as if Talia would disappear with a single touch.

The second their skin made contact, a glow appeared from between the seams and suddenly, Autumn was falling down the dark abyss.

A scream erupted from deep within her as she went down and down in the depth of darkness. Blinded, Autumn could only wish that if this was the end of her, then at least her sister should be fine.

This thought had just crossed her mind when Autumn crashed against a hard surface. Pain shot through her whole body and she felt like she couldn't move a limp. She groaned and cried when she felt needles of pain in her head upon moving it slightly. Clenching her eyes shut, Autumn gritted her teeth and breathed hard. Her whole body throbbed and ached and she was sure that she would be left with some ugly colouring on her skin. As if she didn’t have enough before. She couldn't tell if she had broken something inside, and she hoped she hadn't.

After giving her body a moment of rest, Autumn tried to stand up. Cries of agony escaped her mouth as she slowly moved. Her eyes watered and she bit her tongue- keeping herself from letting out yet another cry.

Once up on her two feet, Autumn took in a deep breath which she suddenly regretted. Her chest compressed as she coughed hard. Her lungs burned and she struggled. No air seemed to be going inside her when she started taking huge gulps in. She felt dizzy and sick. Her windpipe constricted and she wheezed- trying to get in some air. Her head seemed to shrink and she felt trapped inside her body. Losing her footing, Autumn fell back on the ground. Her head hit the concrete and her consciousness left her.

The moonlight reflected on the sweat glistening on her ice cold pale skin. The sound of rushing water came from somewhere far away and the whistling wind suppressed it.

A sharp gasp cut through the silence and Autumn sat up coughing to the side- covering her face with her hand. She had been out for only a minute and when she removed her hand, she saw blood. A metallic taste spread through her mouth and she spit out the excess of blood.

Autumn forced her racing mind to focus on something other than the blood and soon, it complied. As she slowly stood up again while whimpering in pain, she took in her surroundings.

She was standing in a dark and dirty street with only the moon as a source of light. The street was wet with a nauseating smell. Autumn looked around at the many alleyways and limped forward.

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