10. Labyrinth

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Hot, white light pierced through Autumn’s brown eyes as they fluttered open and she closed them immediately. A wave of pain traveled down her spine and her head felt heavy. Groaning in agony, she rolled to her side and winced at the sudden pain erupting through her temple.

"Autumn?" Adam's concerned voice rang in her ear. She opened her eyes again and blinked several times to clear her vision. Seeing Adam make his way towards her, she lifted her body up while grimacing at the soreness all over.

"What happened?" she croaked.

Adam poured water in a glass and handed it over to his friend and placed a firm hand behind her back.

"I don't know. The door of the basement was jammed when I tried to open it and when I finally managed to open it, I found you unconscious on the floor. You hit your head pretty bad, and I patched it up. It was bleeding."

Autumn raised her hand and let her fingers caress the bandaged wound.

“What happened?” Adam finally asked.

Autumn gulped down the water, letting it cool her throat and relaxed back. She gave the glass back to Adam and then told him the whole story. The whole experience from the door closing till her passing out.

There was a pause after her speech, before she continued. She shivered.

"Adam. The moment we stepped into this house, we broke the quiet and peace. Something happened here. Something more than what people know. It seems more than a ghost trying to protect his place; his house.” Autumn paused and looked out the window at the dull sky. She frowned. The sun had just been out a while ago. “Everything we’ve found about some fire, the deaths, the murder- they have something more to the story. They are all connected. I think… someone, something wanted us to stay away from here.”

“But why isn't it letting us leave now?” Adam questioned.

“I don’t know. I just want everything to end.”

Silence descended upon them both and Adam sat beside her, absorbing everything.

"Are you with me in this?"

Adam nodded without any reluctance. Autumn gave him a small smile of gratitude and then raised another question.

"Do you have the boxes? I dropped them on the stairs down in the basement."

Adam nodded and brought them to his friend. Autumn took the keys out and put them in her bag. She then took the torn and crumpled papers and was about to put them in the bag when she stopped. She unfolded one of the papers while putting the rest in her bag, and looked up at Adam.

"Where are the diaries?" she asked as they were not in her bag.

"Oh, I was just reading some entries in the kitchen while having breakfast. I left them there when I heard you waking up. Want me to bring them?"

Autumn shook her head and slowly stood up with her bag on her back. "No. Let's move to the kitchen. I haven't eaten anything in some time, so I'll eat something while being there. You found something in them?"


As Adam walked out of the room, Autumn looked down at the piece of paper in her hand and frowned when she saw a different context. She slowly walked towards the kitchen while reading the paper.

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