013 - hello to you too

Start from the beginning

Brett snickered and I glared, knowing he was loving every moment of this. He sat on the bench, "Well, Colton, unless you have an extra pair of shirt for me, I'm afraid I'm going to remain shirtless."

I raked my head for solutions to wipe the smirk off his face and I immediately got one. Opening up my locker, I tossed my lacrosse shirt at him. Without the pads inside of it, it was a really big shirt and clean. I smirked at Brett as he pulled the shirt away from his face, "that should work, right?"

Brett looked the shirt over, "not exactly my size."

"Snug fit then," I said, crossing my arms at him.

He rolled his eyes and pulled the shirt on. I was right, it was a snug fit. His shoulders were nearly as broad as mine with the paddings. This guy. "You smell nice," Brett said with a wink at me.

I gave him my middle finger, "we've got toilets to clean mister." I heard him groan as I left the locker room and I couldn't help but smile.


I supervised Brett's work in the toilet, telling where to scrub at and where to just clean. I took over the stalls — the really gross place, and he took over the sinks and mirror. I did most of the work but I didn't mind at all. We couldn't finish before Mrs Hendricks had to go and dismissed us, saying we'd finish up next time. Brett's groan and grumble was so amusing, especially since he was in my lacrosse shirt. It suited him to be honest, maybe more than it did me.

"Here you go," Brett held a hand sanitizer up for me as we were about to part ways in the parking lot. I spread my palms open and he squirted the gooey stuff into each of them.

"We already washed our hands," I commented, rubbing my hands together nevertheless.

"One can never be too careful."

"Are you a neat freak?" I blurted out, "like big on hygiene and stuff?"

"Not really," he admitted, "there's just something about a public toilet that freaks me out."

"Oh," I nodded and tucked my hands into my pockets. Giving him one last look, I walked away.

"So, I'd pick you up by seven?" He yelled after me and I came to an immediate stop.


I turned with a raised brow at him, "what?"

He took two strides closer to me, "our date. Seven pm."

"Must it be today?" I asked with frown. I didn't want to go out with him, especially today.

"Yeah, I made reservations earlier but if you have other plans—"

"Reservations?" My eyes widen. Is this some kind of fancy date? Oh God, what have I gotten myself into.

Brett winks, "so seven then?"

"Fine, since you already made fucking reservations."

"Where do I pick you?"

I raised my head, then mentally shook the thought away. He can't come to the trailer park, nope. "Tell me where and I'd meet you there."

Brett pursed his lips, "that won't work, it's supposed to be a surprise."

I scoffed, "you're taking me to a five or four star restaurant, what's a surprise in that?"

Brett narrowed his eyes at me, "it's still a surprise. Now stop being difficult and just tell me where you fucking live so I'd pick you up."

I crossed my arms, "I'd rather come meet you."

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