"Your 5th most likely to win and you have tons of sponsors, everyone at the capitol is talking about you." She says.

"Klintons number 1?" I ask.

"Guessed it." She smiles apologetically, "change that."

"I will." I say.
"1 minute" the voice returns.

Dolly helps me into the glass tube. I stare at the ground for a bit until I see Dolly looking at me.

"Good luck gorgeous." She says before the glass tube closes and I can feel my metal plate rising. I could feel coldness on my skin and I knew instantly, this arena was ice. My plate locked in place and I looked around at the other tributes, theyre eyes all locked on the cornucopia. I heard the clock counting down from 60, I had 60 seconds to think of a plan. My eyes gaze over to the inside of the cornucopia, I know its a death trap especially inside but I can't let this opportunity pass. Inside the cornucopia were several bags, spears, knives and a bow including arrows. I'm going for it. The pounding of the clock struck my ears but all I could hear was my heart beat. I gazed at the clock, 20 seconds. I put all my attention into the equipment I wanted. I got into my running stance and as soon as I heard the sound of a gong I was gone, running full speed on the ice hoping I wouldn't fall. I made it to the inside of the cornucopia and grabbed everything. My eyes catch gaze of Klinton walking towards me. I quickly run out of the cornucopia and into a tunnel. I can hear him yelling behind me.

"Boo." A voice says in the tunnel. "Thanks for the loot." The voice says again and I immediately feel a stabbing pain in my leg and I fall to the ground.

"Get her stuff." Another voice says and I feel people taking things off me.

"Don't mess with district 11 or 12." Another voice says. Those little brats! I quickly get up, wincing from the pain.

"Dont you mess with district 10." I growl as I pin one of them to the walls. I managed to get one of my knives of them and I stabbed one of the girls that came at me and threw another to the ground harder then expected, he smacked his head on the ice ground pretty hard. The boy I had pinned to the wall had started to run away straight into the bloodbath where he was killed by Klinton. I can see Klinton's eyes gaze over to where I was and I quickly hide. The blood bath lasted another 20 minutes until finally everyone had left. I waited an extra 5 minutes before I lugged myself towards the cornucopia.

"Brandon?" I called. No answer. My eyes gazed over to all the bodies surrounding me. I couldn't help but think that I could be one of them, that I already killed 2 of them and I probably will kill more.

"Brandon!" I call again. I feel a tap on my shoulder and I quickly span around so fast that I fell over. Once my eye sight adjusts I see Brandon.

"Sorry, sorry." Brandon says.

"Brandon!" I exclaim throwing myself up and giving him a huge hug.

"Ah, hello." He laughs.

"Let's go." I say, "I want to get out of this place." I hand Brandon a couple of spears and 2 packs.

"What happened to your leg?" He asks.

"I grabbed the stuff and ran into a tunnel then some tributes stabbed me and stole mg stuff and long story short, I killed 2 people." I say quickly.

"Wait what?" He asks.

"Let's go." I say avoiding his questions. We walk into a tunnel and climb the ladder at the end into a different part of the arena. I gasp when I see the beautiful scenery, there are thousands of green trees and bushes, not to mention all the rivers and the huge mountains in the back.

"Let's go through these packs and then you can explain to me how you killed 2 people." Brandon says leading me to a big tree.

"Not likely." I say softly.

We sit down at the bottom of the tree and look through the 4 packs I got.

In my 2 I had a leg thing to hold my knives, lots of food, a compact tent, a water bottle, some more knives, a sleeping bag and a rope.

Brandon had tons and tons of food, a water bottle, a sleeping bag, arrows and a rope.

I grab Brandon's water bottle along with mine and head to the stream, I fill up the bottles in the river and head back to Brandon.

"Here." I say handing him the bottle.

"Thanks." He says.

"We should set up camp." I say looking up at the sky, "night will fall in a few hours."

"How can you tell?" Brandon asks.

I sit down next to him again, "my dad taught me." I say, "the sun."

"What about it?" He asks.

"Family secret." I smirk. I take off my jacket due to the warmness of the arena.

Brandon also takes off his, we tie them around our waists and start to find a place to make camp.

"I say the trees, its the safest place." I say.

"I'd prefer the ground, what if we fall?" Brandon says.

"That's what the rope is for." I say.

"I still don't like the fact of sleeping in a tree." He says.

"Okay, tell you what. You sleep at the bottom of this tree and i'll sleep up there." I say pointing to a branch on the tall tree we were currently at.

"Fine." Brandon says.

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