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"Hello guys." Dill spoke, running a hand through his dirty blonde hair.

Brandon said a quiet hi in reply, but I just stared at him, blankly.

"You must be Phoebe. " Dill said turning his head towards me.

"And you must be the famous Dill." I say with a smirk.

"Phoebe. " Brandon call me out.

Dill let out a smile, "Feisty eh?"

"I prefer spirited." I reply.

"Spirited?" He asks.

"So how was it?" I ask, "killing everyone?"

Dill looked taken aback by this question.  He flashed a smile then opened his mouth to speak.

"Okay that's enough," Richy says before dill can say anything, "Phoebe, to your room."

"To my room?" I ask, "Richy, I'm not a child."

"You're acting like one, now go." Richy scolds me.

I let out a laugh and start heading to my room.

"She doesn't have to go to her room." I hear Brandon say.

"Yes she does she was being childish and rude" Richy says.

"Yeah well..Richy your hair looks like an orange!" Brandon shouts. I snicker a laugh that I tried to keep quiet. Richy gives both me and Brandon a death glare.

"Wow looks can kill." I laugh.

"Brandon, Phoebe rooms now." Richy says pointing to our rooms. Brandon walks up to me and flashes me a smile.

"So who's room we gonna hang out in until Richy put back on his sane panties?" I ask.

"What?" He asks, "Won't we get in trouble?"

"What's he going to do?" I laugh, "Send me to my room?"

"Point taken, welcome to my room." Brandon smiles pushing open a door that had his name written on it in big black letters.

His room was large, the walls were a cream color and the floors were a brown carpet. There was a black couch in the corner of the room infront of a small table. There were also pictures of Panem and the capitol on the walls, including pictures of president snow.

I received a laugh from Brandon when I hissed at the painting.

His bed had red pillows and black blankets, and there were what seemed to be chocolates on the pillows.

"Mm, chocolates." I say popping one in my mouth. I handed one to Brandon, he took it cautiously.

I layed down on his bed letting my body relax for once in a long time.

"Tired?" Brandon asks interrupting the once peaceful silence.

"Aren't you?" I ask.

"Not really, I dont think i'll be able to sleep." Brandon says.

"Hey, there will be 2 winners, we can do this. " I reassure him.

"I get these nightmares, of things that usually end up being true," Brandon says, "Like when your step mom died. I dreamt that."

"You dreamt that?" I ask.

He nods his head, "I was a shocked as you are and that's not even the end of it. I also dreamt us being reaped."

Silence filled the room, I had the temptation to reach out and hug Brandon but my body fought against it. Instead we sat in silence.

"I'm scared Phoebe. " His voice sounded broken. I'd never heard him speak like that, he'd always been this flirty humorous boy.

"It shouldn't be that hard, if you take away the killing and the dying and the dehydration and the hunger." I say getting a slight laugh from Brandon.

I take his hand and smile.

"I love you, you know that right?" He says.

"Yeah." I reply.

We held hands for a bit before I noticed something.

"Oh my god Brandon!" I exclaim jumping up off the bed.

"What?!" He gasps also standing up off the bed.

"You're Engaged! " I exclaim grabbing his hand a taking off the ring.

"Forcefully," He whispers softly,  "I was going to break up with LeAnne that day but she proposed and her whole family was there so I had to say yes."

"You dont love her?" I ask.

He laughs and shakes his head, "I only dated her to make you jealous because I like you then."

"Oh really now?" I laugh sitting back down on the bed.

"Sorry?" He replies sitting next to me.

"What are you going to do? Seeing on how you dont love he?" I ask.

"I dont know. " He replies.

"Have you ever realized how stupid the capitol people look, I mean I didnt know stick figures were in. " I say lighting the mood.

Brandon gave me a wide smile before chuckling a laugh

We must've spent hours laughing and talking about how the people in the capitol, how they dressed, how they walked, how they talked. Until Richy called us for supper.

"Phoebe! Why aren't you in your room?!" He exclaimed, his voice cracking.

"I uhm.. couldn't find it?" I reply.

Brandon snorted a laugh.

"Whatever its supper." He says.

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