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I woke up to noise in my room. My eyes opened and I saw a blonde girl. She looked at me.
"Adrienne?" I ask in my groggy half conscious state.
She puts her fingers to her lips then sits down on my bed. She gives me a hug.
"I will get you out." I whisper. She shakes her head and sticks out her cut tounge and points to me.
"I'm not leaving you, I'll be back. I will get you out." I say.
She gives me another hug and kisses my head before leaving the room. I flop back down onto my bed, thoughts swirling in my mind like a merry go round.

"Phobe get up, we're leaving." I hear Richy say. I wake up and get dressed into the black clothes they had given us. I don't remember much from breakfast to getting on the train, I was out of it. The only thing on my mind was getting Adrienne out of the capitol. When we boarded the train I went straight to my room and sat on the bed. I would like to think that this would be the last time I'd be on this train but it wasn't. I'm now a Victor, I'm a mentor. I'll be on this train for who know how many more years.
"Phoebe?" Brandon asks at the door.
I turn, "yes?"
"What happens when we get home?" He asks.
"I don't know." I reply.
"I can't imagine what Leanne is going to think" He says.
"Should I hide?" I ask. We both laughed a bit at that.
"Hey, i have a question." He says looking at me.
"What?" I reply.
There was a pause as he debated whether or not to ask me.
"Never mind." He chuckled.
"No, you have to tell me now." I laugh.
"Why did you push me out of the way when Lightning almost killed me. You could've killed yourself." He asks.
I look away, "I guess its just because" I stop,"You mean more to me then I mean to myself."
I look at Brandon, "Its stupid I know."
There was a blank expression on his face, then he kissed me.

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