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You could say I was a little surprised when the mayor entered the room.

"Phoebe." He said.

"Mayor Brown." I say sitting tall in my chair.

"Please, we've known eachother long enough i think we're on a first name bases." He chuckled.

It's true, through out my whole life I've never called him by his first name, it being George.

"George." I corrected myself.

"We all know there's two winner," He said, "But I don't think Brandon's going to make it." He spoke with hushed words maybe fearing someone would hear him.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"He said it himself, he isn't going to kill anyone even if the time comes." He says.

"So, he's accepting his death? " I ask.

"Yes, and if he.. passes on I want you to be the one coming home." George says.

"But what if i'm not, people from district 10 don't usually make it through the first day." I say.

"I've seen you throw knives you may not remember but you were extremely good," He says, "Bulls eye every time."

"My dad told me," I say, "Why didn't anyone tell me?"

George shook his head, "It was illegal to do this so snow sent peacekeepers to kill anyone who was involved with it, we never brought it up after that."

"How come me and my dad didn't die?" I ask.

"They killed everyone during the last competition, you were ill and your father was with you." He tells me.

"Times up." The peacekeeper says.

"Phoebe, remember!" George calls as he's pulled out of the room.

There I was sitting alone in the room again.

"Phoebe. " I heard a voice say, were they back? the voices?

Richy's head popped through the door and he smiled.

"Time to go hun." He spoke. I lifted my body off the chair and followed him out the door. He put his hand on my low back as we walked to Brandon's room.

"Brandon," He sung,"Time to go."

Brandon walked out of the room, his cheeks tear stained and I wondered if maybe mine were too. I rubbed my cheeks with my hand, hoping the tear stains would come out but I think I made it worse.

"Phoebe, Brandon, you will be joyed with how wondrous everything will be at the capitol," Richy said, "I remember the first time I went to the capitol, I was a fellow member of district 10, my dad had become a peacekeeper and I came with him-" I drowned out the rest of Richy's story, mainly because I actually didn't care how wonderful life at the capitol was. I stared out at the empty streets, everyone must be preparing for the party. One they have every year in celebration that their children have been spared for another year. I'd never seen the streets so bare, except at night but that's mandatory. Richy boarded us onto the train, I was flabbergasted by the food that was, well everywhere. I had never seen so much food in my life. A large part of me wanted to shove my face in everything. Brandon however, didn't look as excited as me. He'd seen and tasted most of this food before, I guess that's what he gets for being one of the richer people of the district. I am one of the poorer people, yes my dad is best friends with the mayor, I do get expensive occasionally but there are times when a week has gone by and all we've eaten was a peice of bread, if were lucky. I sat down in a red leather chair admiring the food when I saw someone sit down beside me in the corner of my eye. I looked over and saw Brandon.

"Hey gorgeous. " He smiles, a flirt as per usual.

"Brandon." I reply.

"Look, if I die-"

"Which you won't. " I interrupt him

"You don't know that."

"No I don't, but you can't think like that."

"And why not?" He asks.

"Because you shouldn't give up this fast." I reply.

"Why, no one in the districy believes I can do it. Not even my uncle believes I can do it, he didn't say anything when I said I doubt I'll make it." He says locking his eyes with mine.

"The whole district doesn't think that."

"Yes the do."

"No they don't."



"Yes, Phoebe, they do." He says raising his voice.

"Well I don't, there you happy?" I ask raising my voice as well. His face looked shocked, maybe mine did too but I wouldn't know.

"I need some food." I said getting up and heading towards the table full of food.

"Introducing your mentor, Dill!" Richy chirps. I turn around to see Dill, i've seen him on stage before he looked powerful but in person, even more so. He won his games by killing every tribute he layed eyes on, he had one ally who died of poisoning while they searched for food. He kind of scared me, I mean he killed every tribute he layed eyes on, even thr careers wanted him but he declined and killed them all while they were sleeping on the first night. I could never do that. At least, I think I couldn't.

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