I don't like where she's going with this, and my belly flips in agreement. "I seriously have no idea what you mean. At all."

"When you're Robyn Fenty, no one defies you. No one gives you sass. Something about you caught her eye. I feel that in my bones. You have to use it. Work it. Don't let her walk all over you."

Megan's voice quiets. "Don't let her break you, Nicki. You keep ahold of your pride and never let go. She won't know how to handle you."

The thought of Fenty handling me turns my stomach again. "There's really no other way? No other client--" I can't believe I'm throwing the option out there as a possibility.

Megan destroys my last hope with a shake of her head. "You've already been marked. Rihanna owns your ass, regardless of whether she's tapped it yet. No one else will touch you because they'll want to keep their limbs intact."

"She gave me a week. I have to find another alternative."

"That's the part I've been trying to figure out. Normally, when a debt to Fenty is due, it is due."

"Can't I go to the police? Won't they do something?"

Megan looks toward the ceiling, as though seeking patience from a higher power. "Please tell me you're joking. Because if you take one step in that direction, we're all dead."

"So you're saying...I have to do this."

She lowers her gaze to mine, and I feel the grimness of her stare. "You don't have a choice. Not another one you can live with, anyway."

"And you want me to defy the woman who's never been defied?" I cough out a strangled laugh. "Are you trying to get me killed?"

She shakes her head again, biting her lip as she holds up a finger. "No. I'm trying to save you."

"Fuck," I whisper. Because honestly, what else is there to say in this situation?

"But there's one more thing you gotta watch out for, girl."

I don't want to know where she is going with this, probably down some other dark and gruesome road, but I have to ask. "What?"

"When you have as much power as Rihanna, that much charisma, that much presence, it does things to people."

"You're losing me."

"Listen to me, Nicki. Hear me." Her sharp tone clues me in to the fact that this is no joke. "She's going to make your head go to war with your body."

My heart kicks up again. "I don't understand what you mean."

Megan lets out a long sigh. "I'll put this in plain terms. You're gonna tell yourself that you don't want her, that you hate her, and that this is all happening against your will. But there's something about that woman that tells me she's gonna fuck with your head and turn your body against you. Mark my words, Nicki. She will make you enjoy it. She will make you want her."

The gravity of her stare presses me back into the couch. "No way. No fucking way." I jump up, my arms at my sides, my hands fisted.

"Yes fucking way. Get this through your head." She comes toward me and wraps a hand around my arm, her nails digging into my skin. "There's no shame in enjoying it, if that's what's gotta be done. My girls do it all the time. Drop-dead gorgeous client, one they'd fuck for free? Doesn't even feel like work."

I stiffen under her grip. "I'm not one of your girls." The words come out from between gritted teeth.

"But you're still female, and chemistry isn't something you can fight." She surveys me with knowledge in her eyes I can't begin to imagine. Her grip on my arm loosens. "Just...be careful. She's not like any girl you've ever met. But whatever you do, don't show fear. Don't let her fuck with your head. You're strong. Hold on to that. But if you enjoy it...what's the harm?" She releases her hold on me with a shrug.

"No way in hell."




She's so clueless about anything illegal☠️

Do you think she'll go along with Megan's plan?


Is she looking out for Nicki, herself or both?

Her plan?

You learned a little more about Meek..

What do you think of him now?

What do you think will happen next?

Keep or delete?


A/N: This dark mode: 🤩

Word count: 1735

Please follow!


The Mistress ✓Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora