Checking Up

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Katsuki POV:

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." I groaned as I fell down onto my bed.

For some reason the board thought it would be a good idea to merge our hero agency with Allmight's. Since then it's been "This is good for the company," and "The merger will help advance your careers," but it's hard to think about the benefits when you're all but buried in transfer forms and an endless buildup of files to review. This is not what heroes should be fucking doing. On top of that I've had to deal with pretentious asshole after pretentious asshole who think they've got the biggest balls in the land just because they work for fucking Allmight.

Even worse, even when all the paperwork is done and our agencies combine the nightmare still won't be over. I'm still gonna have to deal with these bitches every goddamn day. I don't mind having to work for Allmight, I had to deal with his ass for years back in school, but I can't imagine ever getting used to all of those other ass-lickers who work for him. Of course there's always Deku, but I don't know if I would say we're friendly enough to make working with him anything less than a pain in the ass.

Is he even going to be able to work for a while, he did take quite the beating.


Maybe I should see how he's doing.

I opened my phone and searched for Deku in my contacts, the chat looked the same as it had for the past two years.

This is stupid. He's probably doing fine, he doesn't need you checking up on him.

My finger hovered over the screen.

Stop being chickenshit and just do it.

Kacchan - Hey

I waited for what seemed like an agonizingly long time, checking my phone every two seconds like a dipshit.

Deku - Hey Katsuki, what's up?

Kacchan - Nothin just making sure you didn't break yourself for good this time

Deku - Oh, I'm fine. Recovery Girl made a special visit and now I'm good as new! They discharged me last Sunday.

Kacchan - I'm sure you'll be back there soon enough anyway

Deku - I really am getting better about that!!

Kacchan - I'll believe it when I see it, Destructoboy

Deku - There'll be plenty of time for that now that I'm back in Tokyo

Kacchan - Right...

Deku - Well thanks for checking up on me, that was really nice of you!

Kacchan - Don't go thinking you're special, this is merely a courtesy, nerd!!!

Izuku POV:

I stared at my phone, feeling a faint smile appear on my lips.

You truly are the same old Kacchan.

"Awwwww, I was gone for five seconds and you already started having fun without me!" Uraraka whined whilst carrying chips and gummy worms from the kitchen.

"I Have done nothing of the sort. It was clearly stated that fun should only be had while all members of the group are present, thus I have waited for your return to initiate any fun-time shenanigans," Iida proclaimed from his perfectly postured upright position on the couch.

"Then what's got Deku so happy?"

She set the bowls down on the table and took up a seat on the floor right next to them for snacking convenience.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2020 ⏰

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