Catching Up to Kacchan

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To the 2 people that are actually reading guys are da best!

Izuku POV:

The whole thing was very weird and more than a little embarrassing. One moment I was having the first conversation I'd had with Kacchan in years and the next he's yelling at me and storming off just like the last time I saw him.

That was it. I tried to get in contact with him over and over again, just to try and get him to talk to me and when he finally does come to see me I ask him to help me get up so that I can go pee!

I collapsed back onto the bed and shut my eyes tight hoping that if I opened them again then this would all turn out to be some sort of dream, like a sick joke that my brain was playing on me. Alas, twas not.

Oh my gosh, I have to go find him! I can't just let that be it!

I struggled up out of the bed and scrambled over to the wall, pushing against it for balance. Once I felt steady I opened the door and moved as fast as I could down the hallway. Some of the doctor's looked startled and they started reaching for their walkie talkies. One of them started chasing after me, which meant I had to move faster.

"Don't worry," I said behind my shoulder, "I'll be back. I just have to do something really quickly." I smiled back at the doctors hoping to reassure them, though I'm not sure that it worked.

I had to take the stairs, otherwise some of the doctors that weren't so convinced by my statement would get me. Unfortunately I can't take the stairs very fast walking so I guess I'll just slide down them. I used to do it all the time as a kid so how bad could it possibly be?

I sat down at the top of the first flight of stairs and pushed myself off.

Owowowowowow.Ouch.Ah.Owie. Why does this hurt so much?

I scooted over to the next flight and pushed off again. It hurt so much more than I remember; what the hell was I thinking when I was younger?

I got to the bottom of the steps...finally. Now I had to get out of the main entrance which might be challenging, but if I move fast enough I'll probably make it out.

I opened the stairwell door and hobbled as fast as I could toward the main door, clutching my bandaged abdomen.

The nurses looked a little panicked so I told them the same thing I told the doctors upstairs. I don't know if they believed me or if they were simply too tired to care, but they all backed off.

"Thank You," I yelled back to them as I scurried out the front door.

I looked up and down the street and I saw a glimpse of blond spiky hair peeking out from an alleyway, so that's where I walked.

I rounded the corner into the alleyway, and there he was, slumped against the wall, staring at the ground between his knees, and clutching the sides of his head.

"So you were just going to leave me again?"

He looked up from the ground and stared at my knees. His expression was blank.

"Where were you?"

"What do you mean, Kacchan?"

"You left, where were you?"

"I was on a mission. I think that's what you're referring to. I didn't know you cared that I was gone."

He didn't speak or try to respond.

"How did I get to the hospital?"

"How do you think, nerd. I took you there, don't think anything of it."

"Thank you."

"Whatever, it didn't mean anything."

I moved and sat down beside him. He scooted a couple of inches away from me when I did.

"Kacchan, why do you hate me?"

"What makes you think I hate you?"

"Last time you spoke to me you yelled at me and told me to stay away from you. I tried to get in touch but you never wanted to talk. You avoided me on patrols and in battles. I thought we were becoming friends again and then you just froze me out. I thought hatred was kinda implied."

"I-" he started, "I didn't know what to say."

"I just wanted to talk to you. I don't know what I did. I wanted us to be friends, like when we were little."

Once again Kacchan was silent, he hadn't even looked at me this entire time. I guess this was pointless.

"If you don't wanna talk that's fine too, I guess." I got up from where I was sitting with a minor struggle, using the wall to steady myself. "Have a good day Kacch- sorry- Katsuki."

I made to walk away but was stopped by a hand pulling me back. I looked down to see Katsuki holding my wrist. He finally lifted his head to look me in the eyes. I've never seen him so...sad.

"I'm sorry." He said.

He let go of my arm and looked back down.

"I'm so sorry."

"Katsuki, you wouldn't want to maybe come hang out with me? I mean, I've been pretty lonely since I got back and it's really boring in that hospital room, It'd be if you would come and sit with me or something."

"I guess, it's not like I've got anything better to do anyway," he said, exhibiting more normal behavior.

"Awesome!"I happily exclaimed. "Now, could you help me get back, I just walked all the way out here and it really hurt!"

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