chapter 4

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as soon as the night started it ended, and before I knew it spencer was walking me out of the cafe.  " hey I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed this" spencer said, a lopsided  smile on his face. "yea me too," I look up to him "maybe we can do this again?" I asked 

"unless you don't want to, which is totally fine, I completely understand." start rambling again. "Jennavieve, I would absolutely love to do this again,"  he said, taking a small breath "look, how about I walk you to your place?" he asked politely. 

"I'd like that," I say letting the cool night air nip at my face. spencer walked me to my apartment, it wasn't very far from the cozy cafe, maybe a 15-minute walk. we continued talking switching from personal things to small facts we each know.  that was until we reached the door of my apartment complex. we stood there for a second until I had decided to speak. "thanks for tonight spencer," I smile "hopefully we can do this soon" he nods the small smile from before turning goofer, I had decided to make a move and softly kiss spencers cheek giving him a small wave and closing the door. I stood there my face flushed remembering his face after the small kiss, flushed  his eyes wides. I walked up to my apartment,  turning on the lights to be met with an empty apartment. the evening had been full of excitement and fun that I had forgotten how alone I felt. maybe that's why spencer had caught my eye. he was different from most men my age, he felt new and exciting. I walk over to my kitchen fixing myself a cup of hot chocolate. Rachel was my only real friend I had, but she has her own life and she was right about me needing to put myself to there. but being the hopeless romantic I am it was hard. having expectations for your romance had made anyone who didn't meet them boring. but Spencer didn't meet any expectations you had. when you saw him you expected a charming young man, with a mediocre job but still smart. but instead, you met an awkward bookworm who isn't used to giving out his number. he had turned your expectations upside down but you liked that. the more you talked to him the more you enjoyed the small rambles on obscure facts. I couldn't get my mind off him. What's wrong with me? 

I start preparing for bed, changing into an old oversized shirt, and as I lay in bed my mind starts to drift. my last thought before I drift into a deep slumber was of spencer, his curly brown hair, and soft eyes filling my dreams.

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