Chapter 1

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The morning rays hit my face. My honey brown eyes begin to flutter open.

Ugh it's to early for this

I think to myself as get up from my tiny bed,my messy hair in my face. I get up, my oversized shirt all wrinkled and a bit off the shoulder. Deciding that coffee was the first thing on my agenda. I grab one of my mugs,placing brown sugar and cinnamon. I started to brew my coffee and heating up my milk. Finally I put the whole thing together. I blow on the hot drink watching the steam disappear. I take a sip, the warm sweet liquid falling down my throat. The warmth from the drink made me feel cozy. I stand there for a second the sunlight a laminating my small apartment. Its probably 6:20 at this point. I needed to get to my shop at 8. A soft sigh escapes my mouth, a small smile slowly forming on my lips. Today had a good feeling. I walk towards my closet deciding on what to wear. "Hmmmmm" I start to mumble to myself deciding on what articles of clothing to wear. Finally, I decided on some worn short overalls hitting a little past my mid-thigh, then I grabbed a warm white shirt it was a bit oversized but not by much. I change into my newly decided outfit adding a belt to the lose garments. I grab a pair of cream below the knee socks and my thick cream cardigan. I grab some ankle boots finally making my way back to my kitchen grabbing my journal on the way. I sit back down, looking that the clock 6:37 I open up my journal starting a new page I begin writing down what I've down so far adding the timestamps I look back up 6:56 I place the small ribbon on the page closing my book. I start grabbing my things placing them on the counter. I then grab my leather messager bag placing my phone, earbuds, wallet, keys, journal, instant camera, and finally the new book on plants I had picked up. This one on different poisonous plants and how they were used in the past. At this point it's a bit after 7. Deciding it's time I head out deciding to go to a local coffee shop to pick up another cup of coffee. Its not far from my apartment about a 10 minute walk. While I head in I notice the short line usually this place was full. I get in line, in front of me I see ashy brown curls belonging to an incredibly tall man, well at least compared to me. I had seen him a few times walking in but almost never this early. At that point it was my turn to order. I think for a second deciding last minute to grab a cinnamon roll along with my overly sweet coffee. I stand next to the tall guy wait for my order, sneaking glances. He was very attractive, his warm brown eyes, calm expression, and his soft-looking brown hair. I can start to feel my face turn red and I start looking down at my shoes then a name is called. "Spencer Reid?" The man takes a step forward grabbing the large cup of coffee. As he turns,we make eye contact I feel my face warm again as he smiles at me. My order came about a minute after. I grab the small paper bag and the large coffee cup thanking the the teenager. I walk out at this point it must be 7:39 as I walk out, heading toward my shop to open, as I head toward the door I start rummaging through my bag trying to find my keys. "Need some help?" I look up, seeing the same tall, attractive, brown hair man from the coffee shop. I stand there stunned my cinnamon roll and coffee in one hand and my other one in my bag. "I um- uhhh" I'm still stunned and then I finally snap out of it. "Uhh if you-um if you could" I manage to say. He smiled politely grabbing ahold of my coffee and bag. I finally manage to grab my keys out of my bag unlocking the door, holding it open for wait- what's his name? Sp-Spencer I think. He walks placing my coffee and paper bag on the makeshift register. I close the door softly. Looking back at him, he's staring at the number of plants in this room. His mouth slightly open. "I assume you're here for some plants Mr.Reid?" I ask my voice still soft. He looks over to me,confused "wait how did you know my name?" He questions. My face goes red I look away "o-oh um well um that's what they said when you got your coffee." I said still looking away, he's quiet for a second, and then a soft chuckle escapes his lips "oh sorry I didn't think you'd remember it" he states a small smile on his face. "But yea I'm here to pick up a bouquet?" He says but it sounds like more of a question. "Oh, okay I have 3 for today what flowers did you chose?" I ask heading toward the register grabbing a notebook from under the table. Flipping to the bouquets for today. "Uhhh- I think it was was called pink dream?" He says still unsure of himself, I light up grabbing a pen checking off that bouquet from the list. "That's one of the most popular ones" I say closing my notebook "let me grab it, I'll be right back" I say smiling heading toward the back grabbing the bouquet. I head back toward the front, grabbing some brown recycled paper placing it on the counter, warping it around the bundle of pink-tinted flowers. I add a piece of grid washi tape to add. "Here you go Mr.Reid, that will be 12.50" I say looking up to him, he has goofy grin on his face. "Oh um here you go," he says awkwardly hanging me a ten and a five-dollar bill. I start giving him his change back. He then stops, grabbing something from his pocket. "Here, I was wondering if you'd like to get my number" he pauses for a second and then his face goes completely red "no-not in a flirting way it's just I see you a lot and I won't get to know you and-" I giggle "thank you very much, Spencer, I'll be sure to call you sometime" I smile at him and the same goofy grin is plastered on his face. He says his goodbyes leaving the store. I look down at the card and smiled. It's a simple white card with Dr. Spencer Reid and a phone number on one side and on the other side has B.U.A agent and then an address.

A/N- heyyo guys thanks for reading this be sure to vote and comment if you like this :)

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