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„Come Y/N, just a little further." Bucky tugs gently on Y/N's small hand while they walk slowly, at Y/N's pace, through the park and to the playground. Y/N gets easily distracting stopping all the time and letting go of Steve's or Bucky's hand and pointing at something. Bucky is the one to always go with her to explore the thing, if it's safe that is. Steve is the one to feed her ice-cream and some strawberries. "Come on, beautiful." Steve tugs her hand as she stops once again and carefully pulls her to the playground that he can see already. Y/N looks back to the spot she was looking at but then walks with Steve and Bucky while giggling. Bucky looks down at her with a fond smile before he picks her up. She squeals as he throws her into the air and kisses her cheek. "Go with daddy, yeah? Build me a pretty sandcastle, doll." He kisses her again and waits for her to place her little hand on his cheek. She smiles and bumps her head against his. He kisser her nose and sets her down, kisses Steve's cheek and wanders off to prepare their picknick spot. "Come on, sweetie." Steve shakes his head at Bucky's attitude and takes Y/N's hand again, leading her over to the little sandpit. There are not many kids around. It's still pretty early on a Wednesday morning, so most people are at work. Steve gets out two little shovels and a bucket, passing one shovel to Y/N and helps her to get sand into the bucket. Y/N watches Steve for a moment and follows his hand when he guides her to the bucket until she tries it herself. She throws more sand around then getting it into the bucket But Steve doesn't mind. "Good job Y/N. That was great." He smiles at her and chuckles as Y/n beams at him she tries to load her next shovel. This time she gets all the sand on Steve's pants. She looks surprised at him. "Oh oh."

"Oh oh." Steve mimics her but laughs and brushes it off, getting revenge and getting a bit of sand on her foot. "Ups."

"No." Y/N looks at the sand as if it's something disgusting before he throws the same frowning look at Steve. "No."

"No?" Steve chuckles amused and brushes the sand back away from her foot. Y/N looks pleased down and picks up her shovel again, this time getting sand back into the Bucket. They continue doing it for a while. Y/N gets sand on Steve more often than not and sometimes he takes his revenges which she finds to be not good. "Got you!" Y/N screams and squeals as Bucky picks her up and pushes her onto his shoulders. She tightly grabs his hair in her fists and if she pulls too hard Bucky doesn't say anything. He holds tightly at her legs and runs around making some plane noises. Y/N laughs hysterically and Bucky get infected with it. He only stops when Steve stands up, shaking his head and crossing is arms with raised eyebrows. Bucky runs up to him, stops in front of him and lets Steve take Y/N from his shoulders. "You're a kid."

"Something wrong with it?" Bucky wriggles his eyebrows and kisses Y/N's head before he kisses Steve deeply. Y/N starts whining and wriggling ins Steve's arms so he sets her down. They follow her walk a few feet behind them to pick up a pine cone. "Hey. What's a pretty boy like you doing here?" Bucky turns Steve's head back to him and makes him snort. "Dork." Bucky smiles and pulls Steve back into a kiss. They get lost for a second or too but Steve breaks the kiss soon enough, still holding Bucky close to his chest. "So handsome, are you going to tell me what you got for lunch?" Steve raises an eyebrow with a curious smile but Bucky shakes his head. "Not a chance, punk." He grins and looks behind Bucky. His eyes roam around for a second before he pales immediately and turns around. "What?" Bucky turns once more, getting a bit hysteric until Steve grabs his arm. "Buck?"

"She's not here."

"What?" Steve looks around, too as Bucky repeats. "She's not here! Oh god! What if... What if Someone took her? What if Hydra took her?"

"Buck! Calm down." Steve cups Bucky's face, trying to get him to concentrate on his eyes. We're splitting up. You go there I'll watch there." Steve point in the directions. "She's small so she won't get far. Just. Stay. Calm. Okay?" Bucky nods slowly but Steve can still see the panic in his eyes. "Good. Go." Buck lets Steve pat his shoulder before he turns and runs around the playground. He really looks everywhere. Behind each tree, each bush. He even looked into the . He always looks for Steve, hoping he find the little girl in her blue jumper but he seems to come up just as empty handed. Bucky's mind is running he looks around, trying to make out Y/N's jumper vanishing behind a corner or someone carrying her away. "Y/N?" He calls once, twice and turns in circles running his hand through his hair again and again. "Papa, 'ower." Bucky startles to the light tug on his pants. He looks beside the tree he's standing at. There She is. "Oh god, finally. Y/N." He falls to his knees and presses Y/N tightly to his chest, ignoring her small whimpers about her flower that she had hold up for him. Little cute daisies litter the way to the grass they walked past that's full of these white flowers. "Papa, 'ower!" The little girl tugs in his shirt again and only then does Bucky lean back and look at her. "Yeah." His voice is breathless but relived. He leans in and kisses her forehead. "Don't ever run off like that, sweetie!" he scolds her, voice maybe a little too firm because Y/N looks a bit afraid at him. She looks back to the meadow but Bucky scoops her up before she can say something. "Let's go back to Daddy, Sweetheart."

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2020 ⏰

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